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Export Import Bank of the United States
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About Ex-Im | The Agency | Charter

Ex-Im Bank Charter: Section 2f - 2h

Sec. 2(f) Authority to Deny Application for Assistance Based on Fraud or Corruption by Party Involved in the Transaction.- In addition to any other authority of the Bank, the Bank may deny an application for assistance with respect to a transaction if the Bank has substantial credible evidence that any party to the transaction or any party involved in the transaction has committed an act of fraud or corruption in connection with the transaction.

Sec. 2(g) Process for Notifying Applicants of Application Status.- The Bank shall establish and adhere to a clearly defined process for--
(1) acknowledging receipt of applications;
(2) informing applicants that their applications are complete or, if incomplete or containing a minor defect, of the additional material or changes that, if supplied or made, would make the application eligible for consideration; and
(3) keeping applicants informed of the status of their applications, including a clear and timely notification of approval or disapproval, and, in the case of disapproval, the reason for disapproval, as appropriate.

Sec. 2(h) Response to Application for Financing; Implementation of OnlineLoan Request and Tracking Process. -
(1) Response to Applications.- Within 5 days after the Bank receives an application for financing, the Bank shall notify the applicant that the application has been received, and shall include in the notice--
(A) a request for such additional information as may be necessary to make the application complete;
(B) the name of a Bank employee who may be contacted with questions relating to the application; and
(C) a unique identification number which may be used to review the status of the application at a website established by the Bank.
(2) Website.- Not later than September 1, 2007, the Bank shall exercise the authority granted by subparagraphs (E)(x) and (J) of subsection (b)(1) to establish, and thereafter to maintain, a website through which--
(A) Bank products may be applied for; and
(B) information may be obtained with respect to-- (i) the status of any such application;
(ii) the Small Business Division of the Bank; and
(iii) incentives, preferences, targets, and goals relating to small business concerns (as defined in Section 3(a) of the Small Business Act), including small business concerns exporting to Africa.

Sec. 2(i) Due Diligence Standards for Lender Partners.—
The Bank shall set due diligence standards for its lender partners and participants, which should be applied across all programs consistently. To minimize or prevent fraudulent activity, the Bank should require all delegated lenders to implement
‘Know your customer practices’.

Sec. 2(j) Non-Subordination Requirement.—
In entering into financing contracts, the Bank shall seek a creditor status which is not subordinate to that of all other creditors, in order to reduce the risk to, and enhance recoveries for, the Bank.


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