U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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U.S. Public Health Service 1798
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Indian Health Service (IHS) Commissioned Corps  
History of Commissioned Corps

The origins of the Public Health Service (PHS) may be traced to the passage of an act in 1798 that provided for the care and relief of sick and injured merchant seamen.  The earliest marine hospitals created to care for the seamen were located along the East Coast, with Boston being the site of the first such facility; later they were also established along inland waterways, the Great Lakes, and the Gulf and Pacific Coasts. Reorganization in 1870 converted the loose network of locally controlled hospitals into a centrally controlled Marine Hospital Service, with its headquarters in Washington, D.C.  The position of Supervising Surgeon (later Surgeon General) was created to administer the Service, and John Maynard Woodworth was appointed as the first incumbent in 1871.  He moved quickly to reform the system and adopted a military model for his medical staff, instituting examinations for applicants and putting his physicians in uniforms.  Woodworth created a cadre of mobile, career service physicians who could be assigned as needed to the various marine hospitals.  The uniformed services component of the Marine Hospital Service was formalized as the Commissioned Corps by legislation enacted in 1889.  At first open only to physicians, over the course of the twentieth century, the Corps expanded to include dentists, sanitary engineers, pharmacists, nurses, sanitarians, scientists, and other health professionals. The scope of activities of the Marine Hospital Service also began to expand well beyond the care of merchant seamen in the closing decades of the nineteenth century, beginning with the control of infectious disease.  Responsibility for quarantine was originally a function of the states rather than the Federal Government, but the National Quarantine Act of 1878 conferred quarantine authority on the Marine Hospital Service.  Over the course of the next half a century, the Marine Hospital Service increasingly took over quarantine functions from state authorities. As immigration increased dramatically in the late nineteenth century, the Federal Government also took over the processing of immigrants from the states, beginning in 1891.  The Marine Hospital Service was assigned the responsibility for the medical inspection of arriving immigrants at sites such as Ellis Island in New York.  Commissioned officers played a major role in fulfilling the Service's commitment to prevent disease from entering the country.

Because of the broadening responsibilities of the Service, its name was changed in 1902 to the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, and again in 1912 to just the Public Health Service.  The Service continued to expand its public health activities as the nation entered the twentieth century, with the Commissioned Corps leading the way.  As the century progressed, PHS commissioned officers served their country by controlling the spread of contagious diseases such as smallpox and yellow fever, conducting important biomedical research, regulating the food and drug supply, providing health care to underserved groups, supplying medical assistance in the aftermath of disasters, and in numerous other ways. As we embark upon a new century, the PHS continues to fulfill its mission to protect and advance the public's health.

It has grown from a small collection of marine hospitals to the largest public health program in the world.  Today, a part of the Department of Health and Human Services, the PHS consists of the Office of Public Health and Science (headed by the Assistant Secretary for Health and including the Surgeon General), ten Regional Health Administrators, and eight operating divisions. For further information on the history of PHS and the Commissioned Corps, see Ralph Williams, The United States Public Health Service, 1798-1950 (1951); Bess Furman, A Profile of the United States Public Health Service, 1798-1948 (1973); Fitzhugh Mullan, Plagues and Politics: The Story of the United States Public Health Service (1989).  Prepared by the Office of the Public Health Service Historian, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 695, Rockville, MD 20857 (tel: 301-443-5363; http://lhncbc.nlm.nih.gov/apdb/phsHistory/).