‹ Analysis & Projections

Annual Energy Outlook 2012

Release Date: June 25, 2012   |  Next Early Release Date: January 23, 2013  |   Report Number: DOE/EIA-0383(2012)

Market Trends AEO 2011Market Trends

Projections by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) are not statements of what will happen but of what might happen, given the assumptions and methodologies used for any particular case. The Reference case projection is a business-as-usual estimate, given known technology, as well as market, demographic, and technological trends. Most cases in the Annual Energy Outlook 2012 (AEO2012) generally assume that current laws and regulations are maintained throughout the projections. Such projections provide a baseline starting point that can be used to analyze policy initiatives. EIA explores the impacts of alternative assumptions in other cases with different macroeconomic growth rates, world oil prices, rates of technology progress, and policy changes.

While energy markets are complex, energy models are simplified representations of energy production and consumption, regulations, and producer and consumer behavior. Projections are highly dependent on the data, methodologies, model structures, and assumptions used in their development. Behavioral characteristics are indicative of real-world tendencies rather than representations of specific outcomes.

Energy market projections are subject to much uncertainty. Many of the events that shape energy markets are random and cannot be anticipated. In addition, future developments in technologies, demographics, and resources cannot be foreseen with certainty. Many key uncertainties in the AEO2012 projections are addressed through alternative cases. EIA has endeavored to make these projections as objective, reliable, and useful as possible; however, they should serve as an adjunct to, not as a substitute for, a complete and focused analysis of public policy initiatives.

International oil markets
U.S. energy demand
Residential sector energy demand
Commercial sector energy demand
Industrial sector energy demand
Transportation sector energy demand
Natural gas
Liquid Fuels
Emissions from energy use