Alerts, Announcements and Tips


  • New DTV Call Center hours: Daily 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM
  • Post-DTV-Transition channel numbers of stations have changed. Be sure to rescan for changes.
  • Full-Power stations are now broadcasting in digital. Be sure to rescan for channel changes.
  • The DTV Transition is completed. If you haven't switched already, act now. If you need help, call 1-888-CALL-FCC.


  • Perform a rescan if you suddenly lose a digital channel that you had previously received.
  • Remember to scan periodically to make sure that you are receiving all of the digital channels that are available in your area.
  • If you use a digital-to-analog converter box, you will still need to use an antenna to receive DTV signals.
  • You do not need a converter box if you already have a digital TV set for watching DTV.
  • In cases where no TV stations can be received, tune to a local AM or FM station for weather alerts.
  • DTV reception can be affected by nearby moving vehicles. To improve reception, try moving or re-orienting your antenna.
  • Shadows from moving vehicles can affect DTV reception. To improve reception, try moving or re-orienting your antenna.
  • You can minimize the effects of high winds or storms by re-orienting your antenna to obtain the strongest available signal.