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Commodore Georges Heeren (BEL N)
Deputy Chief of Staff Support


Cdre Georges HeerenGeorges HEEREN was born in Soest, Germany, in 1960. In 1978, after completing his secondary education in the classics at the Royal Cadets School, he joined the Belgian Royal Military Academy and graduated as an electronics engineer in 1983. Upon completion of his naval education in 1984 he served on several minesweepers and hunters as operations officer and executive officer before qualifying as Gunnery and Missiles Officer at the Naval Warfare School in St. Mandrier (France).

Until 1990 he served as principal warfare officer (PWO – AWW) on board several E-71 frigates and as operations officer on board the frigate WANDELAAR, amongst others, during its deployment with the Standing Naval Force Atlantic.

He took up the position of system engineer for fire control software at the Centre for Weapon and Sensor Automation in Den Helder (the Netherlands) for four years and was primarily responsible for the software changes related to the introduction of new missiles on board the ships of the WM25 community.

In 1995 Georges returned to sea as commanding officer of the tripartite minehunter PRIMULA and served with her in a routine deployment of the Standing Naval Force Channel, after which he took command of the Nautical School in Bruges.

On promotion to Commander he received his first appointment to Brussels as project officer at the Manpower Section of the Personal Branch of the Belgian Joint Staff. He participated in several project groups concerning the defence reorganization and was chairman of the subcommittee Operations of the working group Vision 2015.

In 2001 he assumed command of the frigate WANDELAAR and after successfully completing the first full sea trials of the capability upgrade program, his ship deployed to the West Atlantic where she won the Top Gun trophy during her participation in the JTFEX.

He returned to Brussels in 2003 as head of the Department Maritime Operations and lecturer at the Royal Defence College. On promotion to Captain he joined the Permanent Representation of Belgium at the North Atlantic Council as deputy defence counsellor assuming the follow up of NATO operations and partnerships as well as force planning. He left this appointment early to take up the post of Chief of Staff of the naval component. After staff reorganisation of the naval component, a project he led, he was appointed Director Policy Support, responsible for the long term planning and for international relations.

In early 2010 he rejoined the Belgian Joint Staff as Chief of Operations Planning Division. On promotion to Commodore he took up position at the Allied Maritime Command Northwood. He is a graduate of the Royal Defence College and the NATO Defence College, married to Kaatje STEEL and blessed with one daughter and three sons, all spending his money in their attempts to graduate university.

Georges is a passionate comic reader, he listens to classical music and enjoys spending time on his brother in law's sailing yacht, with which he crossed the Atlantic.