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• Paul Gilman: Oak Ridge Center

Where can I find a description of the Fellowship?

The Fellowship is a really a research staff position, like being hired for a tenured research position at a university. We call it a Fellowship because it is a special program and has special stature at ORNL.

What are the application deadlines for the Fellowship?

There are no application deadlines for the Fellowship. Each application package is considered based on how it meets the criteria for the position. Applications are reviewed by a special selection committee about three times during the year. Candidates are selected by the committee and informed of their status after the committee meets.

When are Fellowship winners chosen? Announced?

Because the Fellowship is actually a research staff position, we do not formally "announce" those who are selected. (All candidates are notified once the selection process has been completed.)

Can graduate students who are completing their dissertations apply or must the doctorate be conferred prior to submitting the application?

We do not require that the doctorate be completed before we receive the application. However, we will not award a Fellowship to someone until the doctorate is received and we have confirmation through official transcripts.

If the applicant is awarded a Fellowship, how long does he/she have to accept? to begin the appointment?

As with all research staff positions here at ORNL, the acceptance and reporting dates are negotiable based on availability and need.

How competitive is the Fellowship? For example, how many applicants do you typically have? How many Fellowships are awarded?

We currently have ten Fellow positions. Each time a current Fellow completes his/her two-year tenure (and either continues here as a staff member or decides to continue his/her career elsewhere), we begin the search for a new Fellow. We receive over 100 applications every year for the Fellowship. By the end of the selection process, we usually make the final choice from among four to seven highly qualified applicants.

How are research appointments made for Fellows? Can Fellows identify the lab they would like to work in?

The Secretary to the Selection Committee is responsible for identifying an appropriate "sponsor" organization for each of the candidates prior to final selection. Oak Ridge National Lab is made up of six major research areas:


In these research areas will be one or more organizations doing work directly related to each candidate's area of interest and expertise. (If not, then the candidate cannot be further considered.) Sometimes the "sponsor" connection is easily made because an organization has identified potential candidates to me or because the candidate is already familiar with particular areas of research (and researchers) at ORNL.

What benefits are available to Fellows?

As staff members, Fellows are entitled to full fringe benefits, including relocation benefits.

What are typical salaries for Fellows?

To meet the mission of the Wigner Fellowship Program, which is to attract and retain outstanding new research staff to ORNL, we add a "premium" over and above our normal starting salaries for research staff positions. These salaries vary by discipline, market factors, and the experience level of the selected Fellow.

Office of Science
U.S. Department of Energy