(Denver Post file)
Local NewsColorado pot legalization initiative leads in new poll

09/15/2012 12:17 AM MDT
A majority of Colorado voters support a ballot measure to legalize limited possession of marijuana, according to a new Denver Post poll.  

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Celebrity Buzz
Jolie fears for Syrian refugees in winter
ANKARA, Turkey—Hollywood star Angelina Jolie says that with winter approaching, she is concerned about the plight of hundreds of thousands of Syrians forced to flee their homes. 


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Breaking News
09/15/2012 12:26 PM MDT - The brother of an 11-year-old boy who was fatally shot Friday evening made his initial appearance in Weld County Court Saturday morning.  
Americans killed in Libya come home as anti-U.S. fury widens
09/15/2012 12:07 PM MDT - From Tunis to Cairo to Jakarta, Indonesia, the Muslim world erupted in protests aimed at the United States on Friday as anger over a small-time movie that mocks the Prophet Muhammad boiled over into assaults on embassies or demonstrations in nearly two dozen countries. 


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Photos: Firefighter Chili Cookoff on Larimer Square

Metro-area firefighters sold bowls of chili to support the Muscular Distrophy Association.

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Post Poll - McDonald's Menu

McDonald's this week announced that, due to consumer demand, it would go ahead and post calorie counts on its menus in advance of federal rules requiring them to do so. Will the information change your eating habits?

 Yes. Knowing more about my food affects my choices.
 Perhaps. It might help, but if I'm eating fast food I'm usually more concerned with time or cost.
 No. I care how my Big Mac tastes, not what it does to my waist.

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Investigations and Special Reports

Serial Killers

Between 1975 and 1995, 38 women may have been victims of one or more serial killers in Colorado.

Grades out on Consultants

In Colorado, 27 low-performing schools are part of the federal School Improvement Grant program. At many, fewer than one-third of students can read or do math at grade level.

Neenan-built schools under scrutiny

Neenan Co., a major builder of rural Colorado schools that already has admitted making mistakes that closed an $18.9 million school in Meeker and others.

Welcome Home

After four years as a reconnaissance man and deploying twice to Iraq, Brian Scott Ostrom returned home with a severe case of post-traumatic stress disorder.

The Denver Post's Titanic: 100 Years Later

Titanic: 100 Years Later

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