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(Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post)
foodDenver's restaurant scene is on fire, and it's nowhere near done

The tide of buzzy new independent restaurants in Denver is high, and rising. Here's a partial roster of new Denver places that bowed in 2011: Bittersweet. 
11/09/2011 - Quick! How many people does a 12-pound turkey feed? How many servings in a can of cranberry sauce? Don't worry, we're lousy at Thanksgiving trivia, too. That's why we assembled this Turkey Day cheat sheet.  
Matthew Mead | The Associated Press
11/09/2011 - Cider in jugs, fruit tumbling from baskets, air as crisp as a ripe Jonagold. Autumn belongs to apples. The symbolic value of apples is exceeded only by their versatility. Raw, they're crunchy; cooked they're soft. Chopped or mashed, they're on the plate; juiced they're in a glass.  
Photo illustration by Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post
11/02/2011 - Free matchbooks, a decades-old staple in restaurants and bars, would seem a likely candidate for extinction in this age of public-smoking bans. But an odd thing has happened. Rather than going the way of the rotary-dial phone, the matchbooks have showed staying power.  
Special to The Denver Post
11/02/2011 - Ninety-two years later, it's a best seller. After much soul-searching and test marketing, AC Golden, the hefty-beer arm of MillerCoors, has released Batch 19, a throwback to the pre-Prohibition days of Coors. The recipe, the story goes, was found in the company's basement archives.  

The Fixer: Tucker Shaw

Sometimes, when you don't like a thing, you can fix it to make it better. But sometimes, when you don't like a thing, no amount of fixing will be enough to make you like it. You have to find something else entirely to take its place. Such is the case for me and strawberry shortcake — everyone else's favorite springtime dessert.  

Short Order: John Broening

Fall is the season for the brassica family, that large group of vegetables that includes cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and cauliflower. The word "cauliflower" comes from the Latin words "calvo" for "cabbage" and "fiore" for flower.  

The Recipe File

Recipe by Alison Ladman, for The Associated Press. The traditional flavors of a delicious Italian lasagna — creamy ricotta blended with savory herbs — are wonderfully balanced by harvest fruits and vegetables, including thinly sliced butternut squash and apples.  

Weekly Specials

Robert Bean
Call it an obsession: Author Shax Riegler has it bad for dinnerware. His new book "Dish: 913 Colorful, Wonderful Dinner Plates" is a luxurious coffee-table tome that delivers on its promise with  
The Denver Post | Lyn Alweis
Recipe from "Desserts From the Famous Loveless Cafe," by Alisa Huntsman (Artisan).  
Denver Post file photo
More than 40 restaurants in Boulder will offer $26 fixed-price dinners starting Friday through Nov 18.  
Denver Post file photo
Recipe by Suzie Campbell, as reported in the July 25, 1976, edition of Empire magazine.  
How about a little risotto for dinner tonight? Risotto With Chianti, Radicchio and Gorgonzola  

Metro, Denver Restaurants

The Colorado Guide's Food and Drink guides

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Food Blogs

Well-Preserved by Eugenia Bone:

The Drink Report:

On Tucker's Plate:

Benjamin's National Burger Adventure:


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Restaurant Reviews

Cold weather is upon us, and with it the need for restaurants that deliver warmth, both the literal and figurative kind, a sort of amber glow in the lighting and above all, robust seasonal food and restorative libations  

New Now: Restaurants

Tucker Shaw
Crimson Canary, 141 S. Broadway, 303-284-9026, Open 3 p.m. The look: The last tenant in this space was Mona's. Crimson Canary has maintained the wide-open feel of the room, with a massive bar centered smack in the middle. Big windows look out onto Broadway.  

Eat Local

Tucker Shaw | The Denver Post
Denver has seen an insane amount of new-restaurant activity in the past few years, so you'd be forgiven for forgetting about old neighborhood favorites like Oshima Ramen, the East Hampden Avenue noodleshop that predates America's current fascination with all things ramen and soba.  

Food Court: Tucker Shaw

Someone at dinner the other night said that America's exuberant food culture is in a renaissance, a return to the old ways — of local ingredients, handmade products, community gatherings, seasonal eating. "You can see it everywhere," he said. Heads around the table nodded in agreement, mine included.  

Series: From Start to Finish

Photos by Cyrus McCrimmon | The Denver Post
HOTCHKISS — The alarms are set. The 30-foot fans are poised to begin spinning. And Steve Ela stalks his 99-acre orchard on a blustery April morning, radiating worry.  

Grazing: Kristen Browning-Blas

Kristen Browning-Blas | The Denver Post
To borrow from Carl Sagan: To make a cherry pie, you must first create the universe and pick some cherries. And you have to pit those cherries. Then, there's the matter of the crust, which may require divine intervention.  

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