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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge) Training Program

The Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge) training program is designed to help hospitals re-engineer their discharge process. Using the study modules and supporting materials, hospitals will become familiar with Project RED’s processes and components, determine metrics for evaluating impact, and learn how to implement Project RED.


The Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge) intervention is a patient-centered, standardized approach to discharge planning. Initially developed through research conducted by Dr. Brian Jack of the Boston University Medical Center and funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Project RED improves patient preparedness for self care and reduces preventable readmissions.

This training program is designed to help you implement Project RED program within your hospital. Using the study modules and supporting materials, you will:

  • Become familiar with Project RED's processes and components.
  • Determine metrics for evaluating the impact of the intervention.
  • Learn how to implement Project RED.

Several strategies associated with successful performance improvement are included on these pages. Links to supplemental tools also are provided to help you design your project and re-design your discharge process.

Course Content

The education sessions are organized into four modules. Hospital teams should access the modules in sequential order and complete the assignments recommended at the end of each module before moving to the next module. These materials were developed by Joint Commission Resources, Inc., to support an AHRQ project that provides free technical assistance to help hospitals implement Project RED.


Module 1: Preparing to Redesign Your Discharge Program (PowerPoint® File, 3.8 MB; Plugin Software Help)
Additional Materials:
   Building Your Cause and Effect Diagram
   Checklist for Post-Discharge Follow-up Phone Calls
   Defining Lean Waste and Potential Failure Modes
   Developing a High-Level Process Map and Swim-Lane Diagram
   Patient Care Plan Template
   Project Charter Template
   Project Leader Facilitation Guide
Module 2: The Re-Designed Discharge Process: Patient Admission and Care and Treatment Education (PowerPoint® File, 2.2 MB; Plugin Software Help)
Additional Materials:
   Discharge Advocate's Data Collection Tool
   Project RED Metrics
   Questions for Patients in Targeted Population
   Questions for Primary Care Physicians Regarding Hospital Discharge Program
   Questions for Staff on Discharge Planning
Module 3: The Re-Designed Discharge Process: Patient Discharge and Follow-up Care (PowerPoint® File, 1.7 MB; Plugin Software Help)
Additional Materials:
   Project RED Metrics
   Sample Script for Follow-up Phone Call
Module 4: Re-Engineering Patient Discharge: The Hospital Launch (PowerPoint® File, 1.4 MB; Plugin Software Help)
Additional Materials:
   Building Your Cause and Effect Diagram
   Celebrate Team Success
   Defining Lean Waste and Potential Failure Modes
   Developing a High-Level Process Map and Swim-Lane Diagram
   Outline for Project Presentation
   Project RED Metrics
   Questions for Patients in Targeted Population
   Questions for Primary Care Physicians Regarding Hospital Discharge Program
   Questions for Staff on Discharge Planning
Supplemental Materials:
Selected References
Staff Training Slides for Sites (PowerPoint® File, 1.4 MB; Plugin Software Help)

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Current as of August 2011

Internet Citation:

Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge) Training Program. August 2011, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care