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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge) Training Program

Project RED Metrics

Several metrics for assessing the impact of the re-engineered discharge program are listed below.

Select for a tool to help you collect metrics when implementing Project RED. Select for a version of the tool in Excel®. (160 KB; Plugin Software Help)

Outcome metrics:

  • Average length of stay (LOS).
  • 30-day unplanned readmission rate.
  • Patient experience related to discharge preparation.
  • Frontline staff survey related to discharge preparation.
  • Primary care physician (PCP) survey related to his or her opinion of patient's preparation for discharge and PCP's receipt of information about the patient's hospitalization.

Financial metrics:

  • The cost of second LOS (readmission).
  • Project costs.
  • Discharge process costs (current and redesigned).

Process metrics:

  • Average time to notify the Discharge Advocate (DA) about new admission.
  • Average time from admission to first patient visit by DA (initiation of care plan) for patients who meet all criteria.
  • Percent of patients whose PCP was notified within 24 hours discharge.
  • Percent of follow-up phone calls made within 48 hours.
  • Percent of follow-up calls requiring second call by pharmacist (if non-pharmacist makes first call).
  • Percent of patients completing post-discharge survey 30 days after discharge.

Completion of care plan details:

  • Percent of care plans with medication list included.
  • Percent of care plans with care needs included (e.g., exercise, diet, main problem, when do I call doctor).
  • Percent of care plans with follow-up appointments listed.
  • Percent of care plans with pre-arranged discharge resources identified (e.g., home health, durable medical equipment).
  • Percent of care plans with pending tests listed.

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