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Training classroom.

How To Get Training

Companies interested in graduating from Sustainable Futures must demonstrate an understanding of the scope, applicability, proper interpretation, and limitations of pollution prevention and chemical-hazard and exposure screening tools.

EPA encourages companies to host a Sustainable Futures workshop. All materials for training are provided on this website and can be used in conjunction with a predefined 3-day agenda which covers training on each of the models and methods used by OPPT. Hosts may wish to invite EPA speakers to participate in the workshop based on their area of expertise or experience with each of the models.

Training Opportunities

The next Sustainable Futures training workshop will be co-sponsored by ChemADVISOR and EPA at the Learning Alliance Center in Cranberry, Pa (suburbs of Pittsburgh) October 16-18, 2012. Please visit ChemADVISOR's training website for workshop information and registration details.

Previous Sustainable Futures Workshop Hosts

Ashland, Inc.
California Environmental Protection Agency
Consortium for Environmental Risk Management (CERM)
Cytec Industries
Dow Chemical
International Flavors and Fragrances
L'Oreal Cosmetics
Proctor & Gamble
Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates (SOCMA)

What Is Included in the Training Sessions?

The content of training sessions can be targeted to meet the needs of the sponsors and participants. Sessions can vary from 1/2 day overview sessions to the more intensive 3 day training sessions featuring hands-on experience in use of the Sustainable Futures models and methods. Instructors will use presentations to discuss what each method does, describe the method inputs, how to interpret results, and how the results are used in an assessment. Click here for a sample agenda for the 3 day Sustainable Futures training session.

Training Materials Developed by EPA

Training Materials Developed by EPA Training materials were developed by EPA for use in the 3 day hands-on training sessions. Sustainable Futures Partners and other interested stakeholders are free to use these materials which include two samples of completed assessments using the methods. The training presentations discuss what each method does and describe the method inputs, how to interpret results, and how the results are used in an assessment. Also included are assistance in interpreting model estimations, and examples of the kinds of information the Agency would like to see included in a Sustainable Futures Premanufacture Notice (PMN).

Here is a list of the presentations used during the hands-on Sustainable Futures Training. For PDF copies of the presentations please contact Kelly Mayo-Bean, U.S. EPA (mayo.kelly@epa.gov).

  • Introduction to U.S. EPA New Chemicals Regulation
  • Introduction to Sustainable Futures Initiative and Workshops
  • Introduction to QSAR Design
  • EPISuite - Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental Fate
  • ECOSAR - Aquatic Toxicity/Hazard Assessment
  • PBT Profiler - PBT Chemical Screening
  • Non-Cancer Health Effects
  • Analog Identification Methodology
  • OncoLogic - Cancer Health Hazard
  • ChemSTEER - Occupational Exposures and Environmental Releases
  • E-FAST - General Population Exposure and Surface Water Releases
  • Design for the Environment Program for SF
  • Performing Chemical Risk Assessment
  • Additional - General Guidance on the Assessment of Polymers
  • You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

    These worksheets were developed to assist participants in combining results from the SF methods into summary level risk assessments:
    Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet (blank) (PDF) (13 pp, 32K)
    Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet (blank) (MS Word)

    Here are two examples of completed SF worksheets for the sample chemicals used during training to illustrate the SF methods. 2 sample chemicals:
    1,2-Dichloro-4-nitro-5-pentylbenzene (PDF) (7 pp, 105K)
    1,3,5-Triazine-2,4-diamine, 6-nonyl (PDF) (7 pp, 77K)

    These documents provide assistance in interpreting the estimations provided by the SF methods and in assigning concern levels based on the EPA's New Chemicals Program criteria:

    Here is additional general information on how polymers are assessed in the New Chemicals Program (PDF) (43 pp, 101K)

    Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual

    Extensive information on the Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework methods is available in the Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual. The manual has been updated to include most of the training materials that are currently available. Included in the updated manual is the Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet for the sample chemical isodecyl acrylate (CAS RN 1330-61-6) and a Sustainable Futures PMN submission for isodecyl acrylate. Manual Citation: Sustainable Futures / Pollution Prevention (P2) Framework Manual, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, OCSPP, EPA-748-B12-001. Sept. 2012.

    Because these PDFs are large files, each chapter can be downloaded separately. You may want to review the "Front & TOC.pdf" (10 pp, 92KB) file first to review the entire contents of the manual.

    To download files from the manual you may click on the following link to the Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual page.

    Sustainable Futures participants are asked to include the kinds of information recorded in either the Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet or in the Sustainable Futures Chemical Hazard - Risk Screening Single-Page Information Sheet (PDF) (1 page, 34K) as attachments to the PMN or exemption they submit under the Sustainable Futures Initiative.

    A Sustainable Futures PMN example (PDF) (55 pp, 3.4MB) has been developed using the chemical isodecyl acrylate (CAS 1330-61-6) to illustrate the kinds of information to be included in a Sustainable Futures PMN. This example is for illustration only. [Please note, the example of a PMN submitted under Sustainable Futures is not Section 508 compliant. If you need assistance, you may contact Maggie Johnson, (johnson.maggie@epa.gov or 202-564-8924) or Kelly Mayo-Bean, (mayo.kelly@epa.gov or 202-564-7662).

    REMINDER: Do not bring any confidential business information (CBI) to the workshops.

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