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Keyword: VISTA
Service in Action: Bill Basl Takes the Helm at AmeriCorps
Bill Basl is the new Director of the Corporation for National and Community Service's AmeriCorps program.

"Believe in something; stand for something; act on something.” These ideas epitomize the career of new AmeriCorps Director Bill Basl as he continues his impressive work in public and national service and takes the helm of the program with more than 80,000 members.

Basl moves to the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) headquarters following an 18-year tenure as the Executive Director of the Washington Commission for National and Community Service where his responsibilities included AmeriCorps programs in the state.

He notes that his passion lies with “developing new strategies where service and volunteerism can be recognized as major efforts that bring our country together,” and his extensive list of accomplishments bears out that philosophy.

A Lifetime of Service

Bill Basl, Director of AmeriCorps, Corporation for Naional Serve, welcomes AmeriCorps Alums and Champions of Change to the White House. Corporation for National and Community Service Photo

Basl began his national service career as a VISTA volunteer in 1970-71 helping migrant farm workers in Eastern Washington establish their own businesses and continued as a VISTA volunteer leader in '71-'72 where he helped form a regional services network.

He continued to make his mark in the national service movement by founding the Washington Service Corps in 1983, the first statewide youth service initiative in the nation designed to address priority local education and human services needs, and helped develop national service legislation.

Basl also founded the nation's first veterans' corps and is noted for establishing a collaborative regional network to provide AmeriCorps training across the Pacific Northwest. He is a past chair and board member of the American Association of State Service Commissions and was selected by the White House as a Champion of Change-Service Innovator in June 2011.

All in the Family

Service runs in the new AmeriCorps leader's family: His wife served in the Peace Corps in Western Samoa and his daughter recently finished her term as an AmeriCorps member in Seattle.

During Basl's time in the Pacific Northwest, he became adept at growing vegetables in the region's cloudy climes and participated in popular outdoor activities bicycling and cross-country skiing.

He is an avid sports fan, following the University of Washington Huskies football and basketball teams; the Seattle Seahawks, Mariners, and Sounders; as well as his hometown Pittsburgh Steelers and Pirates. Basl holds a B.S. degree in Business Administration from the University of Rhode Island, and he enjoys reading biographies, especially those related to volunteerism and service.

Basl will be joining CNCS CEO Wendy Spencer on social media to spread the word about AmeriCorps and national service. You can keep up with him on Twitter by following @americorps.

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Los Angeles: Tackling Tough Problems Through National Service
At the Corporation for National and Community Service, we hear and learn about amazing things happening through national service every day. But the best way to experience the power of national service isn’t in our headquarters in Washington, DC.
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Baltimore VISTAs Combat the Summer Slump
One of the major factors that contribute to children falling behind in reading is the learning loss that occurs during summer break. Low-income students, in particular, lose two to three months in reading achievement over the summer.
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The 2012 AmeriCorps Summer Games
The London 2012 Summer Olympics opens tonight, and we’re feeling the Olympic spirit. With that in mind, we asked visitors to the AmeriCorps Facebook page which events would be included in an AmeriCorps Summer Games. As you might imagine, we received some mighty interesting responses.
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VISTA Summer Associates Fight Child Hunger in Ohio
Nearly half of Ohio’s school children qualify for free or reduced-price lunches, and many of these children do not have access to adequate nutrition during the summer months. This lack of access to adequate nutrition has been linked to poorer academic performance, which can easily perpetuate the vicious cycle of poverty.
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Let's Move in Indian Country Celebrates First Year
The Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa has a rich heritage in food production, but an increased reliance on processed foods has left them susceptible to America's obesity epidemic. One way to battle this problem is to increase the availability of locally grown, healthy food choices, and the Red Cliff Mino Bi Ma De Se Win (Return to the Good Life) Community Farm is tackling the problem head-on
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Nebraska Takes a Stand Against Bullying
On April 20, Nebraska young people paused for seven seconds of silence. These students and young adults were illustrating the fact that every seven seconds someone in our country is bullied. Together, 61,709 students and youth in communities across Nebraska made a personal pledge to fight bullying and stand up for those who are bullied.
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Together for Tomorrow: Expanding Community Partnerships for Education
Today, I was thrilled to be with U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan at Memorial Middle School in Orlando, FL to announce Together for Tomorrow, a new initiative to expand community engagement and citizen service to improve low-performing schools.
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Answering the Call of Duty with VetCorps
Today, a group of young men and women, many of them veterans, will stand up and pledge to “get things done for America”. They will join a legion of more than 750,000 Americans who have served in AmeriCorps and become the first class to also serve as VetCorps members.
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A View from the Mountaintop: Honoring Dr. King Through Service
On March 16, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made his last visit to the city of Los Angeles. He used that occasion to deliver a speech calling for an end to poverty, and to build support for a Poor People's Campaign to demand jobs, health care and housing for the country's poor.
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Strengthening Service through Disability Inclusion
Last week the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) convened more than 200 leaders in the disability and service communities at the 2011 Symposium on Service and Inclusion. Our goal: to discuss strategies to recruit, engage, and support more people with disabilities in national service.
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Spreading Aloha: Eliminating Homelessness Among Native Hawaiians
Within tribal communities, Native Americans are uniting to combat the dire problems affecting their populations, including poverty, addiction, and high suicide rates. Native American youth leaders have taken the lead, inspiring their communities to take action and tackling these issues head on.
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Helping to Heal the Invisible Scars of War
When our armed forces return from combat, the impact it has on their lives is lasting, though not always evident. For many, they are returning with invisible wounds, that left untreated, can turn into scars.
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United Front at Home: CADCA, National Guard and the CNCS Connect Returning Veterans with Critical Support
Supporting our nation's troops, veterans, and military families is critical to our national security and to strengthening our communities. It is also a top priority for of Corporation for National and Community Service, stemming from the bipartisan Serve America Act.
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Eager to Serve: Former Marine Reservist Looks to AmeriCorps to Continue his Mission
Chuck Hundley, a Marine Reservist throughout college was never deployed overseas because his skills as an AAV Technician were needed back in the states. That didn't stop him from trying however, “I wanted to go so badly and support my fellow troops, but I got the orders to stay back.”
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