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Nanostructure and Structural Defects of Advanced Materials

Our major research interests are on nanoscale structural phenomena that determine the properties of materials using advanced and quantitative electron microscopy.  We focus on three areas of research: Structural inhomogeneity of strongly correlated electron systems; Interfacial phenomena; and Nanostructured materials, utilizing our state-of-the-art electron microscopy facility and unique strength in method development.  Our emphasis is on understanding the relationship between structure and properties, and the underlying mechanisms of the complex physical behaviors of a wide range of energy related materials.  Our experiments are closely coupled with structural modeling and theory.  Although electron scattering is our primary tool, complementary techniques such as synchrotron x-ray and neutron scattering are also used to address materials science issues.  Extensive collaborations are established both internally and externally to BNL to facilitate the success of our research.

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