
Jeremy Grant
Senior Executive Advisor for Identity Management
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Pilot Projects

  • NSTIC Pilots Grant Proposers' Conference, 02/15/12
    On Feb. 15, NSTIC will hold a public meeting to provide general information regarding its pilot grants program to offer guidance on preparing proposals, explain criteria to be used in making awards, and answer questions from the public. Read full event information >>

  • News Release issued Feb. 1, 2012, NIST to Fund Pilot Projects that Advance Trusted Identities in Cyberspace
    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) today announced a competition to award a total of approximately $10 million for pilot projects to accelerate progress toward improved systems for interoperable, trusted online credentials that go beyond simple user IDs and passwords. The competition will be managed by the NIST-hosted national program office for the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC), a White House initiative to work collaboratively with the private sector, advocacy groups, public sector agencies, and others to improve the privacy, security, and convenience of online transactions. The deadline for submitting initial proposals is March 7, 2012. Read full news release >>

  • NSTIC Pilot Grant Program, Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO)
    NIST is soliciting proposals from eligible proposers to pilot on-line identity solutions that embrace and advance the NSTIC vision: that individuals and organizations utilize secure, efficient, easy-to-use, and interoperable identity credentials to access online services in a manner that promotes confidence, privacy, choice, and innovation. Specifically, the Federal government seeks to initiate and support pilots that address the needs of individuals, private sector organizations and all levels of government in accordance with the NSTIC Guiding Principles that identity solutions will be (1) privacy-enhancing and voluntary, (2) secure and resilient, (3) interoperable, and (4) cost-effective and easy-to-use. NIST will fund pilot projects that are intended to test or demonstrate new solutions, models or frameworks that do not exist in the marketplace today. Read full FFO >> | Amendment, 02/24/12 >> | Second Amendment, 03/05/12 >> | Third Amendment, 03/26/12

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