CFN End of Experiment Survey

The CFN is a Department of Energy (DOE) user facility. As part of its annual reporting requirement, the CFN and other DOE facilities are required to ask users to take part in a user satisfaction survey to provide requested feedback to the Office of Basic Energy Science (BES) and to improve user services. We ask that all users complete the survey after completion of each experiment. We encourage you to take the time to answer all questions. Responses to some questions (designed by BES and located on the last page) are required.

You are not required to include your name or institution, but we do ask for your email address to allow us to contact you for clarification, if needed, and to inform you of a solution plan where applicable.

Copies of the result of this survey will be distributed to appropriate CFN staff so that they may be apprised of your concerns or compliments.

This form requires the latest verison of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download it, click here.

To download the user survey, click here.


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Last Modified: April 1, 2009
Please forward all questions about this site to: Pam Ciufo.