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MC4 Equipment Alignment Process Overhauled

September 10, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. Danny J. Morton

It’s my goal to keep MC4 aligned to the Army’s strategy, mission, functions, tasks and resources. Most importantly, we need to provide our medical personnel and Soldiers with an efficient EMR system. We are making progress in this direction every day.... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

The MC4 Way Ahead for Training

August 27, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. Danny J. Morton

In a previous blog, I mentioned that fiscal restraints will be a challenge for MC4, as well as the Department of Defense as a whole. As budgetary discussions on Capitol Hill and at the Pentagon continue, here at MC4, we’re taking measures to get a head of the looming budget cuts.... Read More

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EMR Policies Get a Refresh in Afghanistan

August 15, 2012 posted by Maj. Mark Mellott

We’ve been reviewing our policies in Afghanistan over the past few months looking for ways to improve our medical business practices. It has been challenging finding a way to ensure patient encounters are being properly closed so the information that has been obtained becomes part of the ... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Afghanistan

Tracking Blood Supply in Theater just got Easier

July 18, 2012 posted by Don Dahlheimer

A new module in the Theater Medical Data Store (TMDS) has been released in January 2011 to assist with the tracking and monitoring of blood supply in theater. The blood module is a web-based database that manages all blood products in the operational environment outside of existing garrison programs.... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Afghanistan

Staying Patient Focused

June 26, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. Danny J. Morton

Army Medicine has revolutionized the standard of care for Soldiers on the battlefield and has set precedence for us at MC4. We strive to continually improve the electronic medical record for providers and patients alike because the system does more than empower the provider who... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Holiday

Tools to Analyze Medical Surveillance Data

June 14, 2012 posted by Dr. Ken Meade

Providing relevant clinical information to the command is one of the most important tasks for the clinical operations (CLINOPS) staff. The Business Objects application can provide medical staff with detailed medical situational awareness, and it can assist the mission command of direct reporting units.... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Staff

Rabies Encounters Documented with Ease

June 7, 2012 posted by Leann Micheals

While on a recent visit to Afghanistan to assist incoming medical units, I encountered a significant number of medical personnel asking about rabies documentation. To help meet this documentation requirement, I worked with Maj. Jason Bennett, theater Infectious Disease consultant with the 782nd Brigade Support ... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Staff

Pulling the Plug on Function Keys and Green Screens

May 16, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. David Sloniker

As the electronic medical record system advanced and became the standard for health care, we improved our requisition process for medical material as well. Today, we’re able to turn around requisitions a lot faster with an electronic system, but over time we’ve realized there’s still room to improve.... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Kuwait

4 Things Nurses Need to Know about MC4

May 8, 2012 posted by Leann Micheals

There are four things that all nurses who use the MC4 system need to know. All patient care, inpatient care and short term problems such as viral illnesses, should be documented in the MC4 system. Information documented in the EMR system will become part... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Staff

Impact and Partnerships our Focus

May 1, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. Danny J. Morton

I’m honored to join the MC4 team as its fifth product manager (PM). The program has an acclaimed history and a laudatory reputation. Indeed, its hallmark is a highly motivated, educated, and dedicated professional staff of military, government and contract personnel, keen on driving innovative... Read More

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How to Write a HIS Policy Like a Pro

April 25, 2012 posted by Capt. Colleen Chianese

When faced with developing a Health Information Systems (HIS) policy, I was overwhelmed by the idea of writing something that would directly affect the way my unit did business. My unit manages the hospital and troop medical clinics throughout Kuwait, and although many of us have used MC4... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Kuwait

Focused on Fundamentals in Afghanistan

April 4, 2012 posted by Rich Carpenter

Our Afghanistan team’s goal is pretty straight forward — to continue to provide support to deployed units using MC4. Our primary purpose and our driving goal at MC4 is to enable the Army to document as many comprehensive electronic medical records as possible in order to provide the best care... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Staff

Farewell MC4, Welcome LTC Morton

April 4, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Over the past several weeks I reviewed my previous 130 blogs and we’ve come a long way in the past four years. Our focus has been on enhanced capabilities for the war fighter and institutionalizing the MC4 system in the Army. What’s made the biggest impact on me is the personal commitment... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

Prepping for Medical Info Capture on Smart Devices

March 26, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Mobile electronic devices (MEDs) are a hot topic in the Army right now. While the Mobile Handheld Common Environment Working Group is actively working to determine the requirements for the Army’s ideal MED, MC4 is staying engaged.... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: New Tech

Socializing not Just for the Fun of it

March 19, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In this day in age with social media, everyone is connected to everyone else in some way. I don’t profess to be an expert on social media. Quite frankly there are too many of them to keep up with. However, there’s no question that social media has been helpful in connecting MC4 to... Read More

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The Gist of MEDLOG Updates

March 12, 2012 posted by Tracy Ellis

MC4 users aren’t strangers to software updates. In order to keep up with the latest and greatest of technology, patches are fielded periodically. Upgrades to the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) system will be occurring within six months... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Logisticians

Training Exercise uses Notional and Real Patients

March 8, 2012 posted by Dr. Ken Meade

Last fall, the 212th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) and the 30th Medical Command (MEDCOM) conducted a unique training exercise at the Joint Multinational Training Center (JMTC) training area in Grafenwoehr, Germany. During this field training exercise (FTX), more than... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Staff

Returning to Paper out of the Question

March 7, 2012 posted by Capt. Ian Rivera

The electronic medical record (EMR) system has benefited deployed health care providers and patients in a deployed environment for years. Since MC4 works so well operationally, it made sense for us at the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade at Hunter Army Airfield to integrate the system into our battalion... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

Full Throttle on Garrison use

March 5, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

A new policy was just issued by U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) last week about battalion aid station (BAS) health care documentation in garrison. From now on, all BASs in garrison are required to electronically document health care performed in garrison, during field training exercises... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

The Point of POI

February 27, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

There have been a number of ground-breaking efforts by the Army to meet the needs of Soldiers with mobile apps, but one effort that still escapes the Army is documentation of the care provided at point-of-injury. Let's not kid ourselves, charting care does not come before life and limb.... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: New Tech

We’ve Seen the Light, Images Connected to the EMR

February 21, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Have you ever been given a toy but told not to play with it? It’s like giving someone a toy airplane but not allowing them to fly it. What’s the point? For some time, MC4 users haven’t been able to use a bidirectional interface capability due to some data encryption issues... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: Field News

Dual Entry no more in Deployed Labs

February 13, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Teamwork is a wonderful thing. We’ve been collaborating with the Defense Health Information Management System (DHIMS) to field a new capability that enables the electronic resulting of laboratory studies into a patient’s electronic medical record. This capability has been implemented at all... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

All Access Pass to MC4 Training

February 7, 2012 posted by Dave Sheaffer

Training is vital to the Army and helps maintain unit readiness and deployability. Every Army unit owes it to itself to sustain their knowledge of MC4 with appropriate training, too. The Army's core process of building trained and ready forces is... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: Commanders

We’ll do the Legwork, Just Say the Word

February 6, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Hospitals and aid stations in theater know full well the value in having an authority to operate (ATO) for MC4 in their hospitals in aid stations. They’re often unaware of the behind the scenes work that occurs to ensure that all the information assurance requirements are met for an ATO. When the system has... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

The 2012 MC4 Demo Road Show

January 23, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In the upcoming few months, MC4 will be making appearances from coast to coast. We’ll be showcasing our latest capabilities in telehealth and other system improvements. Feel free to stop by our exhibit at these conferences... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

Farewell to Longtime MC4er

January 16, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

There are real people behind that MC4 logo who help make things happen here. One of them is Bill Weed, MC4's business director and former operations director, who over the past seven years has overseen all programmatic, business and contractual activities for MC4. He's served as the... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: MC4 News

Simulations Improve Mission Command Training

January 12, 2012 posted by Sean Morgan

Let me ask you this: how much fun did you have during your last battle simulation exercise and did it have any training value? My guess is, not much. You set up your tactical operations center, started running 24-hour operations (OPS), and waited for the occasional medical Master Scenario Events List to be... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Commanders

MC4 New Year's Resolutions

January 9, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Since millions of people a year make outlandish resolutions they never intend to meet, why can't I? Actually, I'm not shy to brag that we met many of our resolutions from last year and we're looking to build upon them in 2012. Here's what we have in store for the new year, at a glance:... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: Holiday

Commander's Guide at a Glance

January 3, 2012 posted by Dr. James G. Jolissaint

Over the past three months, MC4 subject matter experts have shared their insights and best practices to help MC4 users navigate the Commander's Guide to MC4. In case you've missed the postings, there were 12 different subjects discussed; here's a quick recap:... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Commander's Guide

Simplifying Medical Surveillance with MSAT

December 29, 2011 posted by Dr. Ken Meade

The heart and soul of Medical Situational Awareness in the Theater (MSAT) is medical surveillance. Annex J, Appendix J-1 of the Commander's Guide to MC4 explains how MSAT can assist in generating data slides that will depict the medical situation of a unit.... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Commander's Guide

Restocking Medical Supplies with Ease

December 20, 2011 posted by Rocky Henemyer

Quality health care begins with class VIII, or medical supplies. The United States deploys world class medical personnel to care for our wounded warriors, but unless they have the right item at the right place and at the right time, then we are limiting their... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Commander's Guide

Santa Already Stopped by MC4

December 19, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

As 2011 comes to a close and the holiday nears, I can’t help but feel privileged and thankful for what’s been accomplished. I almost feel like Santa came early and often in 2011. This year alone, MC4 helped field 8,000 systems and train 10,000 users... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Holiday

Laotian Exercise Yields Lesson Learned for Army EMR

December 14, 2011 posted by Capt. Edward Roach

For the better part of the last decade we have focused on perpetuating the concept of the electronic health record. We have taken it from a distant concept to a viable, tangible entity. This has made significant contributions to the quality and... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Laos

MC4 News that Can be Used

December 13, 2011 posted by Rachel Collins

Novice and experienced MC4 users alike can benefit from the wealth of information available online. The Gateway is the place for MC4 users to interact with other end users and learn best practices for managing electronic medical records (EMRs)... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Commander's Guide

Hotline Part of MC4 Home Improvements

December 12, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 has long been a supporter of Army medical units using the deployable EMR and the medical logistics (MEDLOG) DCAM application in garrison battalion aid stations (a.k.a. Train as you Fight), but now we’re in a better position to support them once they’ve made the leap.... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

A Toolkit for Presenting MC4 to Your Unit

December 6, 2011 posted by Alvin Vaughn

One question that is frequently asked in deployed medical units is What is MC4, and what does it do? This question can still be heard in theater so weve carved out a section in the Commander's Guide, specifically Annex C, to answer these questions.... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Commander's Guide

Who Moved my Cheese..err…MC4?

December 5, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

When change comes around, it's important to be flexible. Lots of change is occurring right now. When it was announced that the Army would draw down in Iraq by the end of this year, we began to consolidate our support and now... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

Simplifying the MC4 Equipment Requisition Process

November 29, 2011 posted by Benjamin Pryor

Where’s our MC4 equipment? Have you ever found yourself asking this question? If so, the answer may be as simple as thumbing through the Commander’s Guide to MC4. Annex E addresses a myriad of equipping, fielding and sustainment... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Commander's Guide

Modern Soldier...I am not

November 28, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

…but I play one in real life! Medical information technology is moving at such as a rapid pace, we sometimes fail to stop and look around. This month is often observed as Military Medical Technologies Month, a perfect time to highlight some of the work our partner organizations are doing to merge science and... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: MC4 News

Managing Inpatient Diagnoses at Level III

November 22, 2011 posted by Priscilla Quackenbush

Medical treatment facility (MTF) commanders and clinical leaders closely monitor the number and types of patients evaluated, treated and evacuated from their facilities. This data is crucial in managing manpower and other resources which... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Commander's Guide

NIE 12.1 Replay, New Way Ahead

November 21, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

At the conclusion of the Network Integration Evaluation (NIE) 12.1 event, at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) in New Mexico, it was announced that MC4 would not continue on to NIE 12.2 this upcoming spring to showcase wireless and telehealth capabilities... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

Set Up and Maintenance Processes Outlined

November 15, 2011 posted by Ryan Loving

While operating as the MC4 Southwest Asia (SWA) operations manager, I’ve personally experienced a significant uptick in the use of MC4 to capture electronic medical records (EMRs), which until now was an uncommon practice in a theater of war. This has not been easy, especially during the early... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Commander's Guide

Institutionalizing MC4, a Work in Progress

November 14, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Since we launched the MC4 Strategic Plan more than two years ago, we’ve been making great strides in expanding and institutionalizing the use of MC4 system in the Army. It doesn’t make sense to train up deploying medical personnel at the last minute... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

Documenting Inpatient Care at Level II MTFs

November 8, 2011 posted by Leann Micheals

For many years AHLTA-T has enabled providers to successfully document outpatient care. The app works well at all medical treatment facilities (MTFs) for documenting emergency room care and outpatient clinic care. At level 3/role 3 MTFs, such as combat support hospitals (CSHs), TC2 is used to provide... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Commander's Guide

MC4 Salutes Veterans

November 7, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

This Friday is Veteran's Day and we will nationally recognize all the men and women who are currently serving and have served in uniform for our country. To support the Soldier and veteran alike, MC4 merely provides the means to tell their medical story. This is what motivates us. The work being done to... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Holiday

Telehealth Bridging Care in Afghanistan

November 2, 2011 posted by Col. Ron Poropatich

Telebehavioral health (TBH) has demonstrated to be a valuable tool in overcoming the terrain challenges in Afghanistan that severely limit in-person meetings between far-forward deployed Soldiers and behavioral health care providers. TBH is a low cost solution that increases a Soldier’s access to... Read More

3 comments Comments (3)Category: Afghanistan

Add the Guide to Your Packing List

November 1, 2011 posted by Ray Sterling

A Service member’s electronic medical record (EMR) begins with the providers and medics at level I and level II medical treatment facilities (MTFs) who are responsible for documenting patient care. Every level I battalion aid station (BAS) and every level II... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Commander's Guide

4 Things that Give Me the Creeps

October 31, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Goblins, witches and werewolves will be roaming the streets tonight, but these monsters don’t give me the chills. In fact, the only thing that scares me is when I find out medical units aren’t using the numerous MC4 resources that have been developed and fielded in support of the electronic... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Holiday

MC4 Training: Plotting the Course

October 25, 2011 posted by Dave Sheaffer

MC4 offers diverse training opportunities to ensure the U.S. Army’s health care personnel remain the premier professional force in documenting care in a Service member’s lifelong electronic medical record (EMR). To optimize every valuable training opportunity, MC4 supports a three-phased... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Commander's Guide

Supplies on Demand in AFRICOM

October 24, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Timing is everything when it comes to medicine. In Nairobi, Kenya, we’re helping the U.S. Army Medical Research Unit (USAMRU-Kenya), an infectious disease research laboratory, to reduce the turnaround time for class VIII (medical supply) orders. They’re currently creating and maintaining... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

Why Closing Encounters in Theater is so Important

October 18, 2011 posted by Leann Micheals

When providers leave theater without signing AHLTA-T encounters they’re essentially creating a pause or gap in medical information. Unsigned AHLTA-T encounters simply remain on MC4 systems and when the next rotation of medical staff arrives they're left with unfinished business. This means data hasn’t... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Commander's Guide

EMRs Gone in 60 Seconds

October 17, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Each day the Army's getting closer to identifying an approved mobile electronic device for Soldiers downrange. Meanwhile, we're continuing to test how our systems and processes will fare in enabling medics to better document care - on the move - using that device.... Read More

4 comments Comments (4)Category: New Tech

Telebehavioral Health Improves Combat Strength

October 12, 2011 posted by Capt. Cory Gerould

As the brigade psychologist for the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, using telebehavioral health (TBH) to conduct consultations has significantly increased my ability to provide services to a greater number of Soldiers in a more efficient and timely manner. Additionally, TBH has helped reduced... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Afghanistan

Establishing a Unit Health Information System Policy

October 11, 2011 posted by Dr. James G. Jolissaint

The Commander’s Guide to MC4 contains important business practices that empower operational medical commanders with the knowledge and tools that will help them to successfully perform their assigned missions using an electronic medical record system. Developing a unit level health... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Commander's Guide

Commander's Guide 101: Bite Size Portions

October 5, 2011 posted by Dr. James G. Jolissaint

We're launching a series of blogs that will help MC4 users take advantage of the resourceful, yet voluminous, Commander's Guide to MC4. This comprehensive reference contains numerous recommendations and business practices for medical leaders at all levels of military health care, and it enables commanders... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Commander's Guide

Duct Tape, Plastic Sheeting and MC4

October 3, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Hurricane Irene that took the eastern United States by storm last month serves as a reminder to always be prepared. It’s been six years since the Army Northern Command (NORTHCOM) has requested the MC4 Severe Weather Contingency Operations Response Team to deploy, but we are ready if disaster... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Train as you Fight

Business Objects vs. MSAT: Navigating the Differences

September 27, 2011 posted by Maj Robert Lang

As a late addition to the Task Force Medical in Afghanistan, I missed the scheduled MC4 training for the unit in garrison. However, upon arriving in Afghanistan, I spent two weeks with MC4 clinical operations (CLINOPS) personnel getting up to speed. That training was extremely valuable... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Afghanistan

Shout Out for Voice Recognition Software

September 26, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Voice recognition software is nothing new, especially to providers who use it in their everyday practice. After all, most people speak faster than they type, and many providers would agree they'd prefer to keep their hands free of pen and paper, or a computer, when working with... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: New Tech

Ready for NIE Round 2

September 19, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 is gearing up for Network Integration Evaluation (NIE) 12.1 this October at the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), N.M. We’re participating in the ongoing evaluation process to determine the requirements necessary to operate current and emerging IM/IT systems... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: MC4 News

5 Influential Factors for Inpatient EMRs

September 15, 2011 posted by Dr. Ken Meade

A provider asked, "What influences a medical provider’s ability to completely fill out the theater electronic medical record (AHLTA-T and TC2)?" As a physician, and as a former MC4 user in Iraq, I thought I’d share my shortlist of success factors for maximizing the use of TC2 in theater... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Staff

What Physician Assistants Need to Know About MC4

September 14, 2011 posted by Ray Sterling

Beginning this December, formal MC4 training for physician assistants (PAs) will be offered on a quarterly basis as part of the Basic Officer Leader’s Course at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. I’ve been working with the AMEDD Center & School (AMEDDC&S) to develop a two-day MC4 training session just for PAs... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Staff

Class is in Session at CRC

September 12, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Deploying professional filler system (PROFIS) personnel can now get trained up on MC4 when they go through the CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) at Fort Benning, Ga. Having déjà vu? That’s probably because I made this exact same proclamation in 2009... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: MC4 News

Lining up MC4 Training with ARFORGEN

August 26, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

For the past few years, we've been making strategic overhauls in how we address the training needs and requirements of MC4 users. We’ve engaged a variety of units and leaders at various points in their deployment cycle, produced and advocated... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

MC4 Keeps Pharmacy Online During Outage

August 26, 2011 posted by Major William H. Callahan

After much planning and preparation, MC4 helped Winn Army Community Hospital (ACH) keep its pharmacy department functional while its Composite Health Care System (CHCS) server was being replaced and updated.... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: U.S.

Nursing Documentation Aided with Templates

August 20, 2011 posted by Leann Micheals

Documenting nursing care in TC2 can be difficult since the business flow for nursing is not easily replicated in TC2. MC4 created templates in Microsoft Word to better organize nursing documentation. Drop-down menus and free-text boxes within the templates allow nurses to document the care administered... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Staff

Theater-wide Medication Reports via MSAT

July 20, 2011 posted by Alvin Vaughn

Since 2008, deployed commanders have asked for theater-wide visibility and data mining capability of the prescriptions prescribed by providers. Commanders had visibility of the medications prescribed to an individual, but they couldn't easily generate... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Commanders

Lab Services on the Moon

July 20, 2011 posted by Capt. Amanda Luchinski

Setting up a hospital is no joke, especially working outside in temperatures ranging from 110 to 120 degree without shade. It makes for long, hot days. We completed the hospital infrastructure within one week after arriving at Camp Dwyer, Afghanistan. The process included 10 eight-section tempers... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Afghanistan

Taking the Guesswork Out of the Supply Process

July 20, 2011 posted by Rocky Henemyer

As the MC4 Medical Logistics team traveled throughout theater working with DCAM users, one of the most common questions we're asked is "what's happening with my order?" When asked, we provide over-the-shoulder training to create an order using the correct Advice and Signal codes. This ensures that... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Logisticians

Medical IT Pre-deployment Training Pays Off

July 7, 2011 posted by Capt. Junjie Inocencio

As a professional filler system (PROFIS) member of the 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), I understand some of the pains temporary members of a unit go through to support mission training requirements. Great communication with the 115th CSH commander, U.S. Army Col. Patricia Darnauer, helped... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Afghanistan

Reserve CSH Training Sets & CRC

July 5, 2011 posted by Tracy Ellis

In May, MC4 participated in the 2011 Combat Support Hospital (CSH) Commanders and Associated Medical Units Conference in Reno, Nevada. Hosted annually by the Forces Command (FORSCOM) G-4 in conjunction with U.S. Army Reserve Command, the event provides a great forum to discuss hot button... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Commanders

MC4 Garrison Use up 52 Percent

July 5, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Eighty-five garrison battalion aid stations use MC4 to document sick call and order medical supplies from their supply activity. This represents a 52 percent hike since July of last year. The latest units to incorporate MC4 into their daily business processes include battalion aid stations at... Read More

3 comments Comments (3)Category: Train as you Fight

Access Garrison Records Using Fewer Accounts

June 21, 2011 posted by Aubray Hudson

While deployed to Kuwait during 2010, I developed an instructional guide to train Service members who needed an overview on the MC4 system during reception, staging, onward movement and integration (RSO&I) training. During that time I trained users on how to access medical data from the Landstuhl... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Medical Staff

First End-to-end Digital Supply Chain at NTC

June 17, 2011 posted by 1st Lt. Michael Cooper

In September 2010, the 4th Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 1st Armored Division (AD) began using MC4 systems in our garrison aid stations at Fort Bliss, Texas. The experience of setting up and using the digital tools to support the medical logistics (MEDLOG) mission paid dividends when we conducted a two... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: U.S.

Tricky Anthrax Codes

June 14, 2011 posted by Leann Micheals

Administering anthrax vaccines is a common occurrence in theater clinics. All Soldiers need to have the series and thus need the immunization while in theater. Documenting this encounter electronically can be a little tricky since anthrax ICD-9 and CPT codes need to be updated. The software still reads SQ... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Medical Staff

MC4 Overview: The Next Generation

June 13, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Five years ago, MC4 introduced the program's first computer-based training (CBT) module, MC4 Product Management Office Overview. Since then we’ve rolled out a library of distributed learning training products, including app-specific CBTs and pocket-sized sized quick reference guides (QRGs). While... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: MC4 News

Battle Lab Added to the Training Mix

June 7, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

I’m proud of what we’re doing at our Central Region Support Office in setting up notional battalion aid stations (BASs), a.k.a. the MC4 Battle Lab, at our training site on Fort Hood. It’s a great way to help new and old users integrate MC4 into their operational procedures and sustain their individual proficiency prior to... Read More

4 comments Comments (4)Category: Train as you Fight

3 Templates for Faster Data Entry into TC2

June 6, 2011 posted by Dave Buesing

During a recent deployment to Afghanistan, I was a member of the technical support team assigned to the 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) at Camp Dwyer. Dr. Greg Jolissaint, MC4's Clinical Operations Office medical director and chief... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Medical Staff

6 Battle Rhythms to get Medical Supplies on Time

May 31, 2011 posted by Rocky Henemyer

When I deployed to Iraq in 2009, units inconsistently received deliveries of critical medical supplies. A unit might receive bandages three days after placing an order, while a separate order might take... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Logisticians

New Website Live!

May 31, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Our new website—The Gateway—is now live! The interactive site serves as a single point of reference for all MC4 stakeholders to get involved in the Army health IT mission, and access MC4 products and services. Here’s a rundown of the new site’s features... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: MC4 News

Plug and Play with MC4

April 26, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Setting up MC4 systems on an Army post’s domain is akin to setting up a network anywhere else. Adhering to security protocols and gaining approvals are necessary to protect the network, but they’re also cumbersome and time-consuming.... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Train as you Fight

MC4's Hub for MEDLOG Support

April 20, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 has long supported units' efforts to digitally restock medical supply shelves. To help deployed units do away with paper forms, we put the latest tools, DCAM and DMLSS, into the hands of the users. We also have MC4 MEDLOG personnel in theater available for training, technical support and to help... Read More

3 comments Comments (3)Category: MC4 News

Cool Technology of the Week

April 15, 2011 posted by Dr. John D. Halamka

On Friday, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that Dr. Farzad Mostashari will be the next National Coordinator... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Medical Staff

Exercises Galore

April 13, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

The past few months have been busy. MC4 supported five major exercises in five countries, not to mention the dozens of culminating training events in the U.S. and abroad. That’s good news because it demonstrates the commitment units have to “train as you fight” with MC4... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: Train as you Fight

3 Shortcuts to Charting Notes in AHLTA-T

April 5, 2011 posted by Leann Micheals

While I was in Iraq in 2010 to assist with the Tele-behavioral Health Initiative, I showed Lt. Col. Raphael Semidei and other providers how to organize and use shortcuts for patient documentation. They enable providers to spend more time treating patients and less time trying to locate commonly used... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Medical Staff

Resetting Handhelds Worth the Squeeze

March 16, 2011 posted by Matt Pruitt

In the spring of 2010, I volunteered to provide systems support for the MC4 hand-held devices as the Military Transition Teams (MiTTs) redeploy to Fort Riley. By eliminating the need for MC4 personnel from Fort Hood, Texas, to support this effort, equipment returns to the shelf faster. Also, Fort Riley saves money... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: U.S.

AHLTA-T, DCAM Sustainment Products a Go

March 15, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Since 2008, we’ve received numerous requests for training products to help Soldiers on-the-go use the MC4 system downrange. We responded with computer-based trainings (CBTs) and quick reference guides. We’ve also received requests for tools to help Soldiers to sustain their MC4 knowledge following... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: MC4 News

The Gateway is all Grown up, New Website to Launch in Spring

March 14, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In six years, The Gateway newsletter has evolved in readership and functionality. The change is so dynamic that the newsletter has become its own website—MC4’s new website... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

Shameless Forum Plugs

March 11, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

As we share MC4-related news, tools and information on this website to benefit the medical IM/IT community, readers regularly sound off with their thoughts and opinions. Some comments spark productive, lively discussions that have debunked rumors or led to better tools for the end users, such as... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

Fielding New Products Faster

February 17, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Since I started with MC4 in 2008, I've talked about MC4's efforts to field, train and support medical IM/IT systems on the battlefield and in garrison aid stations. I've highlighted the efforts of commanders, medical personnel and logisticians to improve battlefield medical surveillance, the collection of digital... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

The MC4 Demo Road Show

February 16, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

As loyal readers of my blog, your dedication will be rewarded in February and March. The coveted prize is a live demo of the MC4 system and our new initiatives, like EMR apps on smart devices. Simply visit our exhibit at any of the upcoming conferences... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

MEDLOG Training Delivers Results in Iraq

February 15, 2011 posted by Spc. Frederick Waiters

Before I deployed to theater, my previous experience with DCAM was a training class conducted by MC4. Within four months, I went from being a novice user with many questions to be the person answering my customers' questions... Read More

3 comments Comments (3)Category: Iraq

Putting Future Systems to the Test

February 15, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

This summer, the Army will conduct the 2011 Integrated Network Baseline Evaluation (INBE). This six-week test at Fort Bliss, Texas, and White Sands Missile Range, N.M., will evaluate developmental tactical networks, as well as network and systems integration for future brigade combat team (BCT) modernization... Read More

3 comments Comments (3)Category: New Tech

Units to Strike Gold during Field Exercises at NTC

January 29, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Field training at one of the Army's combat training centers is typically the last opportunity for medical personnel to train on MC4 systems prior to deployment. That's why our technical support teams have been providing over-the-shoulder instruction at these venues. In November, we extended our training... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Train as you Fight

MC4 Clin Ops Group Gets a Shot in the Arm

January 28, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Since the formation of the MC4 Clinical Operations Office in September, the U.S.-based team has been a tremendous resource for medical units throughout the world. This month, the addition of retired Col. Ken Meade, M.D., chief of MC4’s European and Far East clinical operations, extends the team’s global... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: MC4 News

Simulation Stimulus

January 27, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

As we strive for greater MC4 system use in training exercises, we realize that we need to make technology improvements to our training systems. We’ve been fat-fingering medical encounters and medical supply requisitions into MC4 to support training scenarios. While labor intensive and time-consuming... Read More

4 comments Comments (4)Category: Train as you Fight

Garrison Use of DCAM Better Prepares MEDLOG Team for Theater

January 27, 2011 posted by 1st Lt. Tawa Seabrook

When the 3rd Infantry Division initiated the garrison use of MC4 systems in 2009, I was excited about the decision. I had used DCAM on MC4 laptops to manage supplies while deployed to Iraq from 2007 to 2009. Returning to a paper-based system was a step backward. The "train as you fight" use of DCAM... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: Iraq

Clinical Operations Team Smoothes Transition

December 31, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

History shows that units often experience a significant dip in the effective use of MC4 systems when level III facilities and medical C2 headquarters transition to theater. Enter our Clin Ops Team. This group of senior-level clinical and medical operations personnel was created to ensure a smoother transition for... Read More

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RSO&I Training Discontinued in Kuwait, Dividends in Bagram

December 30, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

After the New Year, MC4 will discontinue our reception, staging, onward movement and integration (RSO&I) operations in Kuwait for units deploying to support Operation New Dawn. With the drawdown of forces in Iraq, as well as our heightened emphasis on "train as you fight" initiatives, continuing our Kuwait... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: MC4 News

MC4 Powers up Support on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula

December 29, 2010 posted by Capt. Patrick Twomey

In November, a team from MC4 traveled to North Camp to train the providers and technical staff supporting the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) mission on Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. During MC4's visit, their support went much further than just training individuals how to use applications... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Egypt

Ready When You Are, CRC

December 29, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Hundreds of professional officer filler system (PROFIS) providers deploy through CRC each year and every year they do not receive pre-deployment training with MC4 systems until they arrive in theater. Providers continue to join their units ill-prepared to electronically document patient care. They ask me why... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: MC4 News

The Year in Review and a Peek Ahead

December 28, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

The work done in 2010 to improve electronic medical recording (EMR), medical logistics, and situational awareness capabilities in theater and in garrison has truly made an impact. I've personally seen the improvements made in theater as MC4 has transitioned from a requirement to an asset. Never... Read More

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Medical Company First to Set Up, Use MEDLOG Server at NTC

November 19, 2010 posted by Spc. Brett A. Feauto

In October, C Company (Charlie Med) completed a very successful rotation at the National Training Center (NTC) at Fort Irwin, Calif., to prepare for a future mission. While the battalion provided the full gamut of medical and logistics support, we also set a new milestone in comprehensive MC4 training in... Read More

3 comments Comments (3)Category: U.S.

Testing Smart Phones and Mobile Devices for Battlefield EMR Feasibility

November 19, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 continuously evaluates the latest technologies to help deployed providers, commanders and logisticians record, track and share medical data. Case in point, check out MC4’s support of the Tele-consultation Project in Iraq, the Hands-free EMR Pilot and the Tele-behavioral Health Initiative... Read More

4 comments Comments (4)Category: New Tech

JMeWS Absorbed by MSAT

November 18, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Users now have a new web-based tool for medical surveillance. The Medical Situational Awareness in the Theater (MSAT) portal combines JMeWS with enhanced mapping and reporting capabilities. The new functionality gives commanders more resources to perform command and control activities... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: New Tech

MC4 Supports Joint Exercise in Japan

November 17, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

This month, U.S. and Japanese forces participated in the annual joint exercise Orient Shield at the Kami-Furano Training Area in Hokkaido, Japan. There, New Hampshire National Guard medical staff used MC4 systems to digitally chart real-world medical care... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

Korea Update: App Accessibility, Refocused Training & Faster Access to MC4 Systems

October 30, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Last month I traveled to the Republic of Korea. There, I met with commanders, providers and logisticians using MC4 systems and support services throughout the peninsula. I learned of some great initiatives taking place to expand the use of the system, while bringing new functionality to the region... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

MC4 Expands Training Support to Trauma Coordinators

October 29, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Twice a year, groups of trauma coordinators prepare to deploy to Southwest Asia by attending bi-annual training classes held by the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR) at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. There, coordinators typically receive an overview of the MC4 system, which teaches them... Read More

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Rough Rider Medic Takes the Reins of MC4 Systems, Supports Others in Iraq

October 29, 2010 posted by Spc. Dustin Baldwin

I provide medical support during convoy operations throughout Baghdad, Iraq. The Rough Riders provide transportation support and mounted security for coalition and local dignitaries. The cavalry detachment dates back to Theodore Roosevelt and the famous charge up San Juan Hill during the... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Iraq

MHS Celebrates Military Medical Technologies Month

October 28, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In November, the Military Health System (MHS) will focus on the use of military medical IT in support of Service members and their families... Read More

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Training Facility in Germany Offers Hands-on Experience with MC4

September 20, 2010 posted by Capt. Daniel Tenhagen

I first used the MC4 system while deployed to Iraq with the 3-320th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Division from 2007 to 2008. While my platoon received some hands-on training prior to deployment, the majority of our experience came from on-the-job training... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Europe

New Clinical Operations Office a Slam Dunk

September 20, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In February, I discussed the need to bolster MC4's clinical resources by adding upon our already experienced staff of nurses, medics and patient administration personnel. By adding to the ranks Dr. Greg Jolissaint, MC4's new medical director and chief, I'm proud to announce the formation of MC4's new Clinical... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: MC4 News

MC4 Grabs Djibouti

September 20, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Few things make people snicker like the name of a country in eastern Africa, but what the U.S. Army is doing there is no joke. U.S. Service members in Djibouti, Africa, provide a vital service in support of Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), promoting security and stability throughout the region... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

Deployed Units Studying the Use of MC4 Systems

September 20, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Last month's feature article focused on the 452nd CSH's Lean Six Sigma project, which evaluated the inpatient functionality of AHLTA-T throughout the facility in Afghanistan. Recently, the 421st CSH produced a case study on the use of MC4 systems in Balad, Iraq, while deployed in 2007... Read More

4 comments Comments (4)Category: Field News

Nuke Tested, Government Approved

August 29, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

If a chemical, biological or nuclear event takes place in the U.S., according to our records Army responders will be able to chart medical care and restock supplies electronically. That is, as long as the generators fire up to power the laptops and servers... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

New Crop of EMR Use in Afghanistan

August 28, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Since 2007, agricultural specialists from the National Guard, also known as Agribusiness Development Teams (ADTs), have been working with Afghanistan farmers to help the local population become agriculturally self-sufficient... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

Eyes on Hands-Free Medical Recording

August 27, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Point-of-injury medical data recorded by first responders is a critical piece of a Service member's medical history. The data provides key information for clinicians throughout the continuum of care, informs research for the development of material solutions designed to improve Soldier protection and improve... Read More

4 comments Comments (4)Category: New Tech

Surplus Systems in Iraq Recycled to Support EMR Missions

August 27, 2010 posted by Capt. Patrick Naughton

I monitor all of the property used by medical units in Task Force (TF) 807 deployed to Iraq. As the U.S. forces drawdown here, it's my duty to account for and redistribute the excess equipment built up since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The surplus includes laptops and servers provided by... Read More

6 comments Comments (6)Category: Iraq

Garrison Use Sparks Discussion

July 25, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Since August 2008, MC4 has worked with units to implement solutions for capturing patient data in garrison electronically, as opposed to paper-based methods. In the process, we're helping to digitize patient encounters and close a longstanding documentation gap in Soldiers' lifelong medical records... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: Train as you Fight

Software Installation Process Slimmed Down

July 24, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Since MC4 first fielded laptops, servers and hand-held devices to the battlefield in 2003, our deployed technical staff have loaded software patches and completed major upgrades to systems using CDs and DVDs. As you might expect, carrying volumes of discs around theater is cumbersome and inefficient... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

New MC4 Assistant Product Manager

July 23, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 welcomes MAJ Glover Castro as an assistant product manager. He joins the program after recently redeploying from Kandahar, Afghanistan, where he was assigned to the 401st Army Field Support Brigade. Prior to his deployment, MAJ Castro supported the DOD’s Missile Defense Agency. While MC4... Read More

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Lone U.S. Treatment Facility in North Afghanistan Armed with MC4

July 23, 2010 posted by Sgt. 1st Class James Mentel

Today, we electronically capture patient data and fulfill medical logistics (MEDLOG) needs via the MC4 system. The brigade surgeon reviews the patient data to monitor the medical trends throughout RC North and the Afghanistan theater... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Afghanistan

Preventive Medicine Doc Emphasized Use of JMeWS in Afghanistan

June 30, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. Robert Paris

I was the preventive medicine officer for Combined Joint Task Force-82 (CJTF-82) in Afghanistan with the 82nd Airborne Division. I was deployed from May 2009 to March 2010. One of my key missions was working with units throughout Regional Command East to utilize MC4 systems for patient documentation... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Afghanistan

Special Forces Medic Trains, Installs MC4 Systems Throughout Iraq

June 30, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Traditionally, deployed units look to MC4 personnel to provide complete training and systems support on the MC4 systems used to document patient records and order class VIII supplies. As I've previously mentioned, our strategic crosshairs are focused on empowering units to train and sustain themselves... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

MC4 Expands Use in Eastern Europe

June 29, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In May, MC4 expanded its global footprint to support missions in Eastern Europe... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: MC4 News

MC4 Director Receives Highest Army Civilian Award

May 30, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

On 14 April, Army Secretary John M. McHugh presented Bill Weed, MC4's director of program management and business transformation, the Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service (DECS) Award during a ceremony at the Pentagon. The DECS is the highest award granted by the Secretary of the Army to Army... Read More

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New Inpatient Reference Guides, Set Complete

May 29, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 has two new pocket-sized reference booklets to help users better utilize the inpatient application, TC2, on the MC4 system. The quick reference guides (QRG) were first developed in response to user requests for portable reference material. The new additions, nursing and providers, complete the inpatient... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

86th CSH Graded on MC4 During FTX

May 28, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Last month, MC4 personnel supported the 86th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) during a split-based field training exercise (FTX) held at Fort Campbell, Ky., and Fort Gordon, Ga. The exercise reflects the hospital’s upcoming mission when the unit returns to Southwest Asia later this year... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Train as you Fight

Policy Provides Consolidated MC4 Guidance, Training Sets for CSH Commanders

May 27, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In May, the Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) released a new MC4 equipping policy that ensures deployed medical forces are adequately prepared to utilize MC4 in their health service support missions... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

Streamlining Data Entry One AIM Form at a Time

May 27, 2010 posted by Diane Stinson

I develop DOD Alternative Input Method (AIM) forms that help clinical personnel chart the subjective and objective sections of an encounter within AHLTA and AHLTA-T... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: U.S.

Reduced Fielding Costs and Improved Equipment Tracking

April 28, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

This month, an MC4 Lean Six Sigma (LSS) pilot project at Tobyhanna Army Depot (TYAD) aims to reduce MC4 shipping costs in support of Army medical missions worldwide. The collaborative effort includes support from TYAD, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and Product Manager Joint–Automatic Identification... Read More

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MC4 Training at Staging Areas Under Construction

April 27, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

This month, MC4 is piloting a revamped training program for medical personnel that pass through the reception, staging, onward movement and integration (RSO&I) facility at Camp Buehring, Kuwait... Read More

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Flight Medics, Trauma Coordinators Utilize New AIM Form

April 26, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In April, flight medics in Afghanistan initiated the use of a new tool to electronically chart the care given during medical evacuations (medevacs), as well as at the point of injury. MC4 technical support personnel worked with OTSG, as well as with medics and flight surgeons assigned to C Company, 2-3rd Aviation... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: New Tech

SASMOs in Iraq Benefit from "Train as you Fight" Model

April 26, 2010 posted by Chief Warrant Officer 2 Aubrey Blackwell

My team supports the standard Army management information systems (STAMIS) in use throughout the battalion, including MC4. We manage approximately 40 MC4 systems in 11 treatment facilities... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Iraq

National Guard Doc Advocates EMR & Telemedicine in Afghanistan, Japan

March 31, 2010 posted by Col. Joan Sullivan

When I deployed to Iraq in 2005 with the 42nd Infantry Division (ID), our unit was the first Army National Guard division to be sent as a command element since the Korean War... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Afghanistan

Cooperative MEDLOG Training Exercise a Success

March 30, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In February, MC4 supported the 424th MEDLOG Company during a five-day certification exercise at Fort Lewis, Wash. It marked the first time that the Fort Lewis training brigade deployed a MEDLOG company for such an exercise... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

MC4’s Support of Key Resolve, Army Exercise in South Korea

March 29, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Earlier this month, MC4 supported the field training exercise Key Resolve in South Korea. It is one of two major annual training exercises involving all levels of care on the Korean Peninsula. The 121st CSH used MC4 systems to capture inpatient and outpatient records throughout the 44 bed treatment facility... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

EUCOM-based Stryker Regiment Preps for Deployment with MC4

March 28, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Last month, MC4 fielded more than 200 systems to the 2nd Stryker Calvary Regiment (SCR) and taught more than 100 unit members how to record medical information and restock supplies using MC4. We also equipped the Regimental Consolidated Clinic with MC4 laptops to support medical documentation in... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

Feedback on MC4 EMR

March 27, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Seven months ago, we began fielding the latest EMR upgrades (EMR and hardware refreshes. Today, we’re 75 percent complete and our technical support teams are currently working the last mile to upgrade units in remote theater locations. We have equipped all level III facilities, as well as units supporting... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

Building MC4’s Clinical Expertise

February 28, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Earlier this month, a team of MC4 clinicians traveled to Iraq and Kuwait. They met with commanders and providers to discuss MC4 system use and training. Their visit provided users an outlet to share their experiences and frustrations with the system in terms fellow clinicians could understand. From... Read More

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MC4’s Support of Cobra Gold

February 27, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In February, MC4 supported the field training exercise Cobra Gold in Thailand. U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) and Reserve units used the EMR systems in three treatment facilities to document more than 150 encounters during the 12-day exercise. Every encounter flowed to TMDS... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

Good Documentation is the Centerpiece of Good Medical Care

February 26, 2010 posted by Col Ken Meade

The use of MC4 systems is critical since they provide the ability to electronically document medical care in the deployed environment. Continuity of care and continuity of information are important when we treat patients while they transferred from forward deployed sites to theater and garrison treatment facilities... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Europe

MC4 Training Deserves a Facelift

February 26, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 has already provided pre-deployment classroom training [a.k.a. New Equipment Training (NET)] to approximately 90 percent of all active Army units, as well as many Reserve and National Guard units. Some units received NET training multiple times in support of multiple deployments... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: Train as you Fight

Potty Talk in the Army

January 30, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

When I’m passionate about something, I don’t hold back. I thought I’d take this opportunity to address what seems to be a well-documented case of intestinal issues among Soldiers in deployed environments. Having been to numerous countries on countless tours with the Army, I can attest to the fact... Read More

3 comments Comments (3)Category: Field News

Military Leads the Way in Paperless Healthcare

January 29, 2010 posted by Pfc. J.P. Lawrence

In one of his first acts in office, President Barack Obama proposed a massive effort to modernize healthcare by making all health care records standardized and electronic... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Iraq

H1N1 Vaccinations Entered into Service Members Permanent Records

January 29, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

The DoD recently mandated that all Service members be inoculated to protect against the H1N1 virus. In Afghanistan, the Air Force is making use of the MC4 system to keep track of the spike in... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

MC4 Supports Haiti Relief Efforts

January 28, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Times have changed since we last supported disaster relief efforts. In 2005, MC4 arrived on the scene in New Orleans, introducing a new EMR system to the 14th Combat Support Hospital assigned to the Combined Joint Task Force-Katrina mission. Two weeks ago, when the 2nd Brigade Combat Team of the 82nd... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

New Commander’s Guide to MC4

December 23, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 has developed an all-inclusive reference guide to help commanders better understand and utilize MC4 systems. The Commander’s Guide to MC4 provides military leaders the information necessary to set up and maintain effective command and control (C2) of their MC4 systems, both in theater and in... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: MC4 News

MC4 Supports PACOM "Train as you Fight" Exercise

December 22, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Earlier this month, U.S. Service members participated in an annual bilateral command post exercise with members of the Japan Ground Self Defense Forces in Hokkaido, Japan. Yama Sakura, which simulates the Japanese and U.S. military operations required to defend Japan, is one of eight U.S. Pacific... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

Additional Exposure to MC4 for Combat Medics in Iraq

December 21, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

A monthly training class held at the Air Force Theater Hospital in Balad, Iraq, exposes combat medics, with varied military occupational specialties, to the latest theater processes and procedures.

During the six-day training course, MC4’s deployed technical support teams provide a brief... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

New MC4 Assistant Product Manager

December 20, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 welcomes LTC Shawn Osborne, MC4’s new assistant product manager. He is an Engineer Corps officer with significant acquisition experience, including previous deputy and assistant product manager positions with multiple information technology programs... Read More

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Letterman Award

November 28, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

On October 28th, The National Museum of Civil War Medicine awarded the MC4 team the 2009 Major Jonathan Letterman Award for Medical Excellence. In 1862, Major Letterman documented the need for detailed medical records for all Soldiers. In honor of his legacy, the award recognized MC4 for fulfilling the ... Read More

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MC4’s New Director of Operations

November 27, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 welcomes Mr. Tracy Ellis, MC4’s new director of operations. Ellis, a retired Army Colonel, served as the chief of staff for the U.S. Army Materiel Command at Fort Belvoir, Va., and is a former commander of the Tobyhanna Army Depot. He brings to MC4 a wealth of... Read More

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Mandated use of AHLTA Warrior and TMDS

November 26, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

A recently released policy directs Army providers to use two online programs to review medical histories and to maintain continuity of care for deployed Soldiers. AHLTA Warrior provides read-only access to stateside medical data, while Theater Medical Data Store (TMDS) allows clinical folks to review records... Read More

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MC4 Supports Disaster Relief Exercise

November 25, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Active Army, Reserve and National Guard units descended upon Camp Atterbury, Ind., earlier this month to participate in Vibrant Response, a two-week disaster relief training exercise led by NORTHCOM... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Train as you Fight

Navy-led Facility at Kandahar Now Collecting EMRs

November 24, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Earlier this year, the level III facility at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, transferred command from Canadian forces to the U.S. Navy. With the move came the transition from documenting patient care on paper forms to electronic medical records (EMRs)... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

Surgeon Implements New Stateside Pre-deployment Training for Medical Filler Personnel

October 29, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. Jennifer Marrast Host

I received my introduction to the MC4 system while deployed to Al Asad, Iraq, with the 1-133 Infantry in 2006. A container filled with MC4 equipment arrived one day and we were required to set it up on our own... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: U.S.

Acquisition Recognition

October 25, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

On October 4th, the U.S. Army Acquisition Corps recognized the MC4 team for helping to transform business operations in theater by awarding MC4 a 2009 Army Acquisition Excellence Award. This business transformation award could not have been possible without deployed leadership championing... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

New MC4 Training Materials

October 24, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 recently released two new computer-based training (CBT) modules—Theater Medical Data Store (TMDS) and Medical References. They provide users the flexibility of training on the fly, further augmenting the familiarization and new equipment training they receive prior to deployment... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: MC4 News

New Top-down Approach to Improve Connectivity

October 23, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

While theater’s network infrastructure continues to improve with the spread of fiber optic cable, providers still experience difficulty using MC4 systems. Firewalls blocked at the local level and other network-related issues make system use more challenging than it should be... Read More

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Pre-deployment and Exercise Training Paying Dividends

October 22, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In June, we spotlighted the 14th Combat Support Hospital’s (CSH) readiness efforts prior to deploying to Iraq. Their repeated inclusion of MC4 systems training in their exercise play, as well as command emphasis on the use of medical surveillance tools (JMeWS), has made them more self-sufficient in Iraq... Read More

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Better Level I Documentation in Iraq

October 21, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In September, I completed a six-week trip throughout Iraq. I met with commanders, providers and systems support personnel to get their take on the use and support of MC4 in their treatment facilities... Read More

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MC4 Accolades

September 28, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Awards recently bestowed upon MC4 include the 22nd Annual Government Computer News Award for "Outstanding Information Technology Achievement in Government" (a.k.a. GCN Agency Award) and the Letterman Award. Additionally, MC4’s Iraq Region Lead Louis Carrion will receive a 2009... Read More

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Prepping 90-day Rotators at APMC

September 27, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Traditionally, USAR providers fulfilling 90-day theater rotations deploy with minimal or no exposure to the MC4 system before their boots hit the ground. As a result, they face a heavy learning curve when they are injected into the EMR workflow in theater... Read More

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Ready to Support Disaster Relief

September 26, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Last month, Operation Vibrant Response provided consequence-management response forces (CCMRFs) the opportunity to practice using MC4 during a two-week disaster relief scenario held at... Read More

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New Training Servers Debut

September 25, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In August, MC4 supported the 28th Combat Support Hospital’s (CSH) third installment of command and control (C2) training at Fort Bragg, N.C. The 28th CSH has a unique mission ahead of them. They’ll be the first CSH to be split into five separate treatment facilities in theater... Read More

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Special Mission Docs to Use MC4

September 24, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Capturing medical data electronically is a crucial element of patient care. It doesn’t matter if the documentation takes place in garrison clinics, battlefield treatment facilities or remote corners of the world. To that end, MC4 now supports U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA)... Read More

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MC4 Asset Visibility and Tracking Improved Through Lean Six Sigma

August 8, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Since 2003, MC4 has largely coordinated the fielding of 30,000 ruggedized systems to 750 units throughout 14 countries by way of pen, paper, and a flurry of phone calls and e-mails. Ironic, considering our mission focuses on streamlining processes through digitization... Read More

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61st MMB Ready for both EMR and MEDLOG Missions

August 7, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

The 61st Multifunctional Medical Battalion (MMB), one of two battalions that will be responsible for overseeing the medical mission in Iraq, included MC4 in their deployment preparations during a certification exercise last month... Read More

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Future Depot and Lean Six Sigma Boost Fielding Efforts

August 6, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

On July 16, the Tobyhanna Army Depot (TYAD) in Tobyhanna, Pa., opened their Depot Maintenance of the Future (DMOF), a 10,000 square-foot state-of-the-art facility used to support many ongoing military missions worldwide... Read More

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Medic Tackles EMRs from Every Angle

August 6, 2009 posted by Spc. Jonathan Cates

Before I joined the Army in 2007, I used various systems to capture electronic medical records (EMRs) in civilian hospitals. I found them to be very cumbersome and difficult to use... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Korea

Fielding the Next Generation of MC4 Hardware

July 18, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

I have frequently mentioned that MC4 continuously evaluates the latest technology to help deliver the best products and services to help you, the user, to successfully achieve your EMR and medical logistics missions. In May, MC4 began fielding one of these new products—the Dell Latitude E6400 ATG laptop... Read More

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MC4 to Deploy the Next Version of EMR Software

July 17, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In June, MC4 received approval to field the latest release of DHIMS’ tactical software on MC4 systems, EMR version—also well-known as Block Two, Release One (B2R1). The authorization to operate (ATO) spans three years... Read More

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New Training Aids for Inpatient Application—TC2

June 12, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Two new tools are now available to help clinical staff better utilize the inpatient application on the MC4 system, TC2... Read More

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MC4’s New Strategic Plan

June 11, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

The move from paper to digital medical records, a transformation the new administration is striving for in the civilian healthcare industry, has been occurring on the battlefield for the past six years via MC4... Read More

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14th CSH "Road to War" Training Efforts

May 27, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Earlier this month, the 14th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) participated in an MC4-based training exercise at Fort Gordon, Ga. This “Train as You Fight” event provided the indigenous staff and PROFIS personnel with hands-on training on MC4 systems... Read More

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MC4’s New "Train as You Fight" Model Kick-Started in Garrison

May 26, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

To date, expanding the use of MC4 to garrison battalion aid stations has been successful, in large part to the close coordination and determination of many Soldiers in the 3rd Infantry Division and the 82nd Airborne Division. Proof of that success has come in the form of 3,000 electronic patient encounters... Read More

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Combat Medic Shares Medical Hurdles Aided by MC4

May 26, 2009 posted by Master Sgt. Wynton Hodges

My name is MSG Wynton Hodges. I am a combat medic. I joined the Army in 1994. I served with the 172nd Stryker Brigade, 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment... Read More

1 comments Comments (1)Category: Iraq

New Medical Reference Tool—UpToDate—Approved for Use on MC4 Systems

April 24, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

UpToDate is an evidence-based, peer-reviewed, preferred medical resource designed to provide medical professionals access to current clinical information. With UpToDate, medical personnel get specific, detailed answers to clinical questions in their office, exam room or bedside. It covers more than 7,700... Read More

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Additional Pre-deployment Training in Field Exercises

April 23, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

A reader posted a comment to last month’s article that they want MC4 used more frequently during pre-deployment training and in field exercises. For the first time, U. S. Army Pacific Command incorporated MC4 into field training exercises—Orient Shield and Operation North Wind— to practice... Read More

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MC4 Use by Divisional Medical Assets (level I care)

April 22, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

I’m concerned by the lack of MC4 use at the point of injury and level I care... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

Health Information Systems Policies Update

April 21, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

The collaborative effort between the 3rd Medical Deployment Support Command (Kuwait), 44th Medical Command (Iraq), Combined Joint Task Force-101 (Afghanistan) and MC4 Theater operations staff to consolidate, update and standardize current Multi-National Corps-Iraq Healthcare... Read More

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Accessibility to Previous Patient Encounters

April 20, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

During the last two months, I traveled throughout theater and visited many treatment facilities. I talked with more than 50 providers and learned how they use MC4 on the battlefield... Read More

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User Satisfaction Tied to Directive Implementation

March 7, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Another observation from my travels is that commands that have implemented and enforced Healthcare Information System (HIS) Use Policies that define best business practices have a higher level of satisfaction using MC4 systems than the commands that have not taken these steps to formalize their... Read More

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Users Unaware of System Updates

March 6, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

The MC4 system is continuously evolving and improving the ability to view and document patient data, reorder medical supplies and conduct medical surveillance. Some of the frustrations I have heard about the MC4 system have already been resolved with previous software releases; however, users... Read More

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New Training Directive and Call for More Varied MC4 Training

March 5, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

I recently completed the first stage of my trip to theater with stops in Kuwait, Qatar and Germany. I met with various representatives from MC4-supported Army, Navy and Air Force units, and listened to successes, concerns and challenges using the MC4 system, as well as recommended ... Read More

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MC4’s Quality Assurance/Quality Control Initiative Continues

February 4, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In order to provide uniform training and high quality systems support to you, our customers, MC4 PMO implemented a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) initiative in 2008. This effort is program wide and will continue to have an impact in 2009... Read More

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New MC4 Assistant Product Manager

February 3, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In December, CPT Andy Nuce joined MC4 PMO as an assistant product manager. In addition to his leadership, he brings an extensive knowledge of medical logistics (MEDLOG). He also understands how MEDLOG personnel use MC4 in theater, having served two rotations in Iraq. CPT Nuce will be a... Read More

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MC4 Systems used Throughout Korea

January 5, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

I recently met with the staff of the 8th U.S. Army, 65th Medical Brigade and 2nd Infantry Division to discuss MC4 fielding and training efforts throughout the Republic of Korea (ROK)... Read More

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MC4 to Support Cobra Gold

January 4, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Field training exercises offer a great opportunity for users to gain hands-on experience with MC4 systems prior to deployment. In February 2009, units supporting United States Pacific Command, as well as Army Reserve units, will have the opportunity to hone their electronic medical recording skills during the Cobra... Read More

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MC4 Training at CRC

January 3, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Deploying medical units going through the CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) receive MC4 computer-based training modules on CD-ROM. The disks are valuable tools that allow medical personnel, logisticians and commanders to conduct self-paced training on the systems they will employ while conducting... Read More

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DOD Locks Down Removable Storage Devices

January 2, 2009 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In November, the Army Global Network Operations and Security Center released a directive to immediately disable portable storage devices connected to DoD computers in response to a massive outbreak of malicious software on Army systems... Read More

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JMeWS Taking Center Stage in Theater

December 3, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Commanders need up-to-date surveillance data to properly monitor and allocate personnel and supplies throughout their area of responsibility. Having the ability to review and filter near real-time medical data can reduce the time required to make these decisions... Read More

2 comments Comments (2)Category: Field News

MC4 Compliant With New ASD(HA) Policy

December 2, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

On 3 November, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (ASD(HA)) S. Ward Casscells, M.D., released a memorandum formally requiring all Services to complete the transition to using the Theater Medical Information Program-Joint (TMIP-J) suite of applications for collection and storage ... Read More

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December 1, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Last month, the DoD Chief Information Office (CIO) awarded the MC4 team second place for the 2008 DoD CIO Team Award. The award recognizes outstanding achievement in DoD information management based on the spirit and intent of the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 (Information Technology Management... Read More

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Use of MC4 Systems during Field Training Exercises

November 5, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Exposing deployable medical professionals, commanders and systems administrators to the MC4 system prior to deployment offers immeasurable benefits. Not only does it help users become familiar with a system they will use on the battlefield, but it helps MC4 anticipate customer needs... Read More

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Task Force 44 Leadership Take Charge

November 4, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

I commend Task Force 44 for recently directing all reporting medical units to document one hundred percent of care (both inpatient and outpatient) using MC4 systems. To ensure success, the command’s G6 personnel are digitally tracking compliance. The high level of support and commitment by commanders... Read More

0 comments Comments (0)Category: Field News

Feedback Wanted

November 3, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Last month, I mentioned my focus on renewing relationships with our Army Medical Department (AMEDD) and Military Health System partners, part of which can be accomplished by expanding the lines of communication. This starts with MC4 sharing feedback with our partners from those who matter most – the users... Read More

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Army Superior Unit Award

October 4, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

MC4 has been awarded the Army Superior Unit Award (ASUA) for efforts in advancing electronic medical recording on the battlefield and in the U.S. from 2005 to 2006... Read More

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Re-focus on MC4 Training and Logistics Efforts

October 3, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Although I have only been here a short while, a number of areas will receive much of my attention over the next several months. Since 2003, MC4 has trained more than 31,000 medical professionals and has fielded 26,000 systems to the battlefield in support of Operations Iraqi and... Read More

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MC4’s New Commander – Lt. Col. William Geesey

October 2, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

It is a great honor and privilege to be named MC4’s new commander and product manager. Having shadowed LTC Ed Clayson over the past month, I realize the important role I am assuming and I am looking forward to continuing past successes, while paving the way for... Read More

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Theater Records Seen in the States

September 7, 2008 posted by Lt. Cmdr. Greg Gorman

I was deployed with the Expeditionary Medical Facility – Kuwait from February through August 2007 as an individual augmentee from National Naval Medical Center (NNMC), Bethesda, Md... Read More

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