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Surplus Systems in Iraq Recycled to Support EMR Missions

August 27, 2010 posted by Capt. Patrick Naughton

I monitor all of the property used by medical units in Task Force (TF) 807 deployed to Iraq. As the U.S. forces drawdown here, it's my duty to account for and redistribute the excess equipment built up since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The surplus includes laptops and servers provided by MC4 to populate electronic medical records (EMRs).

MC4 Surplus Recycled

Some of our surplus goes to Afghanistan to help units supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. On a weekly basis I redistribute hundreds of pieces of equipment within the TF. I also identify equipment to be kept on hand to fulfill unexpected unit needs.

In June, MC4's deployed technical support team (TST) contacted me to determine the availability of surplus EMR systems for use by maneuver units, such as infantry and armor units. Maneuver units do not fall under my TF, but I feel that it's important to support everyone. This is one fight and one team.

I locate spare MC4 systems and give the laptops and servers to MC4 personnel to reimage and test the functionality. Once proven to be operational, I deliver the equipment to the unit and provide MC4 contact information for future systems support.

To date, I have provided MC4 systems to five maneuver units and there are more in the pipeline. My efforts are helping the units better fulfill their medical mission.

Capt. Patrick Naughton, Medical Property Book Officer for Task Force 807th Medical Brigade

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6 comments Comments (6)  Category: Iraq

Showing 6 comments

Like the one fight one team. You're a Great CPT!

September 5, 2010

Great job, CPT Naughton!!!

August 31, 2010

Great article.

August 31, 2010

Great work.

August 31, 2010

Thank you for helping units that might not otherwise have needed systems.

August 31, 2010

Top Notch Soldier

August 31, 2010

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