Providing Services to Victims Viewing a Trial at Multiple Locations. Masthead shows a series of photos depicting trials, conferencing, and TV watching.
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Getting Started--Meeting a Need
Setting Up a Safe Haven for Victims

Building Your Coalition
Developing Task Forces
  Victim Advocacy
  Mental Health
  Spiritual Needs
  Additional Task

Providing Limited Services

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Developing Task Forces

The development of small, working task forces before, during, and after the trial is essential to a community coalition's ability to provide high-quality services. These task forces should be developed based on the—

  • Skills of the coalition members.
  • Demands of the project.
  • Need for technical assistance at all closed-circuit television (CCTV) sites.

Potential task forces that each CCTV community might employ address—

Similar responsibilities may be combined into a single task force. Some task forces will overlap. In addition, the Safe Haven task force will eventually encompass all of the issues being addressed by other task forces. Therefore, at least one member of each task force should also participate in the Safe Haven task force.

Chairpersons for each task force should be responsible for ensuring—

  • Uniformity and coordination among all CCTV sites.
  • Completion of the task force's work.
  • Coalition members are kept informed of the task force's activities, accomplishments, and any barriers encountered.

If the trial has been moved as a result of a change of venue, it may be valuable for the hosting coalition to consult with service providers from the victimized community. For example, mental health providers who previously worked with victims and their families may have an understanding of issues that new service providers may not anticipate. It may also be beneficial to consult with national experts on various victim support issues.

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