The Army Story

Your understanding of the Army and our missions is an integral part of our nation’s security. We want to ensure we provide you with the information and assistance you need to become educated about your Army. Because the Army is an extension of the American public, we encourage you to become active advocates for the Army and our Soldiers. By becoming advocates you can help us continue to tell the Army story.

First, we’d like to tell you our Army story by providing you with current information on Army policies, assisting you with issues, requesting guest speakers for events, and connecting your organization to Soldiers. Visit the links below to learn more.

“After JCOC 76, I am instilled with unparalleled thanks, pride and admiration for the men and women of our armed forces. Their level of competence, passion, determination and focus that I witnessed has been burned into my memory. Our military, not our elected politicians, truly represent America and what it stands for...My week getting to know these incredibly smart, hard-working, committed individuals has made me more proud of our country than I ever dreamt possible.”

– Mr. Ted Mundorff,
JCOC '76 (JCOC Blog)

Policies/Current Events


In addition to our personal testimonials, some community organizations help tell our story as well. Veterans’ service organizations (VSOs) and military service organizations (MSOs) have taken on the mission of caring for our Soldiers and their families, especially after they have left the Army community. Our VSOs and MSOs provide tremendous support and are our advocates before Congress, third-party spokespeople, grassroots influencers to communities, and the nurturing hand standing behind those in uniform every day.

Our Community Relations team works closely with VSOs and MSOs providing them quarterly conferences for their national organizational representatives to learn more about current Army programs and initiatives from Army senior leaders.

To find out more about a VSO or MSO near you, click here for VSO support and click here for MSO support.

To further facilitate an understanding of the Army, we support the Joint Civilian Orientation Conference, or JCOC. The JCOC is a week-long multi-service orientation program for civilian public opinion leaders who have limited knowledge of national defense issues. Participants attend briefings in the Pentagon given by some of the most senior military and civilian leaders of the Department of Defense. Participants then travel to the field to experience what it’s like to be in the military – observing exercises, firing weapons, and participating in training. To learn more about JCOC, click here.