Jefferson Lab > Physics > Hall D
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Hall D Information

Hall D General Information

  • Staff
  • Hall D Wiki
  • Hall D Meetings
  • JLAB Hall D Archive (send mail)
  • JLAB Master Archive
  • Events and Meeting Dates
  • Hall D Civil - selected drawings (pdf)
  • Hall D
  • Hall D for Friends
  • Hall D Very Old
  • Reviews
  • Reviews - material available
  • Additional Resources
  • ESH&Q


  • Target
  • StartCounter
  • Central Drift Chamber
  • Forward Drift Chamber
  • Barrel Calorimeter
  • Forward Calorimeter
  • Time-of-Flight
  • Solenoid
  • Tagged Photon Beam
  • Offline Software

  • Trigger/DAQ/Monitoring/Controls

    GlueX Collaboration Information

    Physics Program & Papers & Publications

  • GlueX Project Overview
  • GlueX Physics
  • Publications
  • News

  • Listing of Nuclear Physics Conferences
  • Physics and methods in meson spectroscopy - Int. Joint Workshop CERN COMPASS-Jefferson Lab-GSI FAIR
  • Workshop on Photon-hadron physics with the GlueX detector