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TAGD Article

The Adjutant General Of The United States Army

The Adjutant General Directorate

The 65th Adjutant General of the U.S. Army
BG Jason T. Evans
The Adjutant General Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army
Sergeant Major Kenneth Jackson

 Our Vision:
“A proactive staff of expert operators that possess the  legal, ethical and moral foundation to ensure reliable service for successful accomplishment of TAGs mission.”

Our Mission:
“TAGD Operations Division drives and guides TAGs resources by initiating, synthesizing, and facilitating policies, programs, services and systems across the directorate, enabling divisions to focus on core competencies.”

Army Continuing Education System (ACES)

Army Personnel Records Division (APRD)

Casualty & Mortuary Affairs Operations Center (CMAOC)

Evaluations, Selections & Promotions Division (ESPD)

Field Services Division (FSD)

Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA)

Physical Disability Agency (PDA)


Soldier Program Services Division (SPSD)

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