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last updated: 9/14/2012
Commercial BFT Landings Update

As of September 14, commercial landings of Atlantic bluefin tuna are as follows: General category has landed 205.5 mt; Harpoon category has landed 17.2 mt; Purse Seine category has landed 1.7 mt; Longline North CLOSED at 30.4 mt; Longline South CLOSED at 50.8 mt; Longline NED 0.4 mt. These numbers are preliminary and are subject to change.

3-fish limit for General category through December 2012

The National Marine Fisheries Service maintains the current General category (commercial) daily retention limit of three large medium or giant Atlantic bluefin tuna (measuring 73" or greater) per vessel per day/trip for September 1 through December 31, 2012. This limit applies to vessels permitted in the Atlantic tunas General category, and to vessels permitted in the HMS Charter/Headboat category while fishing commercially. NMFS will continue to monitor the fishery closely through dealer reports. Depending on fishing effort and catch rates, NMFS may determine that additional retention limit adjustments are necessary to ensure available quota is not exceeded or to enhance scientific data collection from, and fishing opportunities in, all geographic areas. For further information, please see the notice in the library (link at left of page) or at:

Final Bluefin Tuna Quota Specifications

NMFS announces final quota specifications for the 2012 bluefin tuna fisheries. NMFS is adjusting the annual U.S. baseline bluefin tuna quota that was recommended for 2011 and for 2012 by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas to account for underharvest of the adjusted 2011 U.S. bluefin tuna quota, and is accounting for half of the estimated 2012 dead discards up front (i.e., at the beginning of the fishing year). View the summary notice, including the final quota table, in the Library (see left of screen).

Closure of incidental Longline category northern area bluefin fishery

NMFS is closing the incidental Longline category northern area fishery for bluefin tuna (73” or greater), effective 11:30 p.m. on June 30, 2012, as the subquota for that area is projected to be reached by the end of June. Fishing for, retaining, possessing, or landing bluefin tuna by Longline category vessels north of 31°00’ N. lat. (near the Georgia/Florida border), other than bluefin caught inside the Northeast Distant gear restricted area (NED), will be prohibited from 11:30 p.m., June 30, 2012, through December 31, 2012. This action is being taken to prevent overharvest of the Longline category northern area bluefin tuna subquota. NMFS will continue to monitor incidental Longline category bluefin tuna landings from the NED, an area far offshore the northeastern United States, against the 25 mt allocated for that area and may take further action, if needed. For further information, see the notice in the Library (link at left of page) or

2012 Recreational Atlantic Tunas Retention Limits

The daily retention limit that applies to Charter/Headboat vessels (when fishing recreationally) will be one school BFT (measuring 27 to less than 47 inches) AND one large school/small medium BFT (measuring 47 to less than 73 inches) per vessel per day/trip. For Angling category (private) vessels, the limit is maintained at the default level of one school, large school, or small medium BFT per vessel per day/trip, (i.e., one fish measuring 27 to less than 73 inches). In addition to the daily retention limit, vessels fishing North of Great Egg Inlet NJ are also allowed one ‘trophy’ BFT, measuring 73" or greater/vessel/year. The Trophy South quota (South of Great Egg Inlet NJ including the Gulf of Mexico) has been filled and is CLOSED. These BFT retention limits are effective for all areas, except for the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf of Mexico is designated as a spawning ground for BFT and therefore NMFS does not allow recreational caught BFT to be retained while fishing in this area. The recreational yellowfin tuna daily retention limit is 3 yellowfin/person/day/trip. The minimum size for yellowfin and bigeye tuna is 27" curved fork length. There are no recreational limits for bigeye, skipjack or albacore tunas.

Other 2012 HMS Recreational Limits

The recreational daily swordfish retention limit is 1 fish per person, with a maximum of 4 fish per private vessel, 6 for a charter vessel, and 15 for a headboat vessel. The minimum size for swordfish within the recreational fishery is 47 inches, lower jaw-fork length. You may not keep longbill spearfish. There are no retention limits for Atlantic sailfish, blue marlin and white marlin, but the NOAA Fisheries encourages recreational anglers to release all billfish alive. The minimum sizes for billfish are as follows: Blue Marlin: 99 inches lower jaw fork length; White Marlin: 66 inches lower jaw fork length; Sailfish: 63 inches lower jaw fork length; Spearfish: Retention prohibited. Lower jaw fork length is a straight line measurement from the tip of the lower jaw to the fork of the caudal fin. The recreational limit on sharks is 1 shark per vessel per trip with a minimum size of 54 inches fork length; plus on Atlantic sharpnose shark per person per trip (no minimum size); plus 1 bonnethead shark per person per trip (no minimum size). None of these fish may be sold. Swordfish and billfish landed must be reported. For swordfish and billfish reporting, call 800-894-5528. For NC and MD landings call 410-213-1531 or 800-338-7804 respectively.

Closure of incidental Longline category southern area bluefin fishery

The National Marine Fisheries Service is closing the incidental Longline category southern area fishery for large medium and giant bluefin tuna (measuring 73 inches curved fork length or greater), effective 11:30 p.m. on May 29, 2012, as the subquota for that area has been reached. Fishing for, retaining, possessing, or landing bluefin tuna by Longline category vessels south of 31°00’ N. lat. (near the Georgia/Florida border), will be prohibited from 11:30 p.m., May 29, 2012, through December 31, 2012. This action is being taken to prevent any further overharvest of the Longline category southern area bluefin tuna subquota. NMFS will continue to monitor incidental Longline category bluefin tuna landings north of 31°00’ N. lat. against the available Longline category northern area BFT subquota for the 2012 fishing year and may take further action, if necessary. For further information, see the notice in the Library (link at left of page) or

Scoping Meetings - Amendment 7 to HMS FMP (bluefin)

We (NMFS) are examining whether existing management measures for Atlantic highly migratory species, and in particular Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) regulations, are the best means of achieving management objectives for BFT and provide flexibility for future management. The feedback we've received during the 2011 quota rulemaking process and through the HMS Advisory Panel meetings demonstrated the need for a comprehensive review of our BFT management system. We are exploring a wide range of potential management measures including a revision of baseline quota allocations, both the reduction of and accounting for dead discards; new and/or modified time and area closures; and methods to improve reporting and monitoring of discards and landings. Therefore we will be holding public scoping meetings and are announcing the availability of a scoping document. The schedule of meetings and scoping document are available at the following website:


This notice outlines the procedure for obtaining a 2012 Atlantic Tunas Permit, which allows you to commercially fish for and/or retain Atlantic bluefin, yellowfin, skipjack, albacore, and bigeye tunas; an Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Angling Permit, which allows you to recreationally fish for and/or retain any regulated Atlantic HMS (Atlantic tunas, sharks, swordfish, or billfish); or an HMS Charter/Headboat Permit, which is required by vessels taking fee paying passengers fishing for or retaining HMS. The permits issued for the 2012 season will be valid from the date of issuance through December 31, 2012. The permit fee is $20.00, payable by credit card (Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express) or check/money order. You will need your Atlantic tunas or your Atlantic HMS permit number to renew your permit for this up- coming season. If you do not have your permit number from last year available, you may look it up at using your last name, phone number, and zip code, or a Customer Service representative may assist at the number below. Please check your current permit information carefully prior to renewing your permit. Please Note: Changes to you permit category may be made under the following circumstances: a) When you renew the permit for the upcoming season; b) Within 10-calendar days from the permits’ date of issuance, to correct any errors in permit category. If you have questions regarding the permit process, our Customer Service representatives are available at (888) 872 8862, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time.

ESA listing for Atlantic bluefin tuna not warranted

After an extensive scientific review, NOAA announced today that Atlantic bluefin tuna currently do not warrant species protection under the Endangered Species Act. NOAA has committed to revisit this decision by early 2013, when more information will be available about the effects of the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill, as well as a new stock assessment from the scientific arm of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, the international body charged with the fish’s management and conservation. NOAA is formally designating both the western Atlantic and eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean stocks of bluefin tuna as “species of concern” under the Endangered Species Act. This places the species on a watchlist for concerns about its status and threats to the species.

Tuna Trolling and Whales

Recent evidence show that tuna fishing lines, trolled through areas where both tuna and whales are feeding, have hooked the wrong species. The strong lines and sharp hooks, necessary for catching large tuna, can dig into blubber of these unintended targets, possibly causing harm to the whale and is a violation of federal law. All whales, dolphins and porpoises in the northeast region are federally protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and most large whales in the area are further protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Under these Acts, it is illegal to "harass, hunt, capture or kill" any marine mammal. Prohibited conduct includes any "negligent or intentional act which results in the disturbing or molesting of marine mammals." The following operational procedures, located in full at:, intended to avoid harassment and possible injury to large whales commonly seen by vessels engaged in tuna fishing. These guidelines can help protect both you and the whales and keep you from accidentally violating federal law. ALWAYS approach areas of surface fish activity cautiously - marine mammals might be present. NEVER cast your line or set your gear near marine mammals. An increasing number of large whales have been observed with recreational gear attached to them. Prevent this from happening and set and/or troll your gear elsewhere. If a marine mammal approaches your gear, remove it from the water.

Reminder for Charter/Headboat owners and operators

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) wants to remind fishermen there are several federal regulations regarding fishing for dolphin and wahoo in federal waters of the Atlantic Ocean (Maine through the east coast of Florida). Summary of requirements *Owners and operators of charter vessels, and headboats are required to have a federal vessel permit to fish for or possess dolphin and wahoo in the Atlantic Ocean. *The vessel operator must have an operator card on board the vessel along with one other form of personal identification that includes a picture (driver license, passport, etc.). *How to get a permit or operator card* If you are the owner of a vessel needing a vessel permit and operator card to fish for dolphin and wahoo, please contact the Permits Branch at the address listed below: NOAA Fisheries Service Southeast Regional Office Permits Branch 263 13th Avenue South St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Phone: 727-824-5326; FAX: 727-551-5747 For a copy of the offical notice, visit the library


Regulations implemented under the authority of the Atlantic Tunas Convention Act and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act governing the harvest of Highly Migratory Species (HMS), including tunas, sharks, swordfish, and billfish by persons and vessels subject to U.S. jurisdiction are found at 50 CFR part 635. Under these regulations vessels are required to posses a permit to fish for HMS, regardless of fishing recreationally or commercially. These permits are legally issued to ONLY those vessels that have a valid registration, which can be verified with the U.S. Coast Guard or by the issuing State. No temporary registrations are allowed. It is unlawful for any person or vessel subject to these regulations to falsify information required on the application, and if discovered the responsible parties may be prosecuted.

Reporting Recreational Swordfish and Billfish Landings

Effective October 17th, 2007, a new internet based reporting system for recreational non-tournament landings of North Atlantic swordfish and billfish will be available. All recreational non-tournament swordfish and billfish landings, including those from Charter/Headboats, must be reported by the permitted owner of the vessel landing the fish, or their designee, within 24 hours of landing. A landed fish means a fish that is kept and has been brought to shore. Vessels landing swordfish or billfish in North Carolina and Maryland must report their landings through the state landing card programs. Vessels landing swordfish or billfish in all other states, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, must report their landings using the new internet reporting portal at or by calling the 1-800-894-5528 reporting line.

LPS BFT Length Validation Assessment Paper

The Large Pelagics Survey (LPIS) collects length data on recreationally landed Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT). The LPS Procedures Manual (prior to 2005) specified that interviewers should measure and record the straight fork length (SFL) of BFT, not the curved fork length (CFL) that is used to define size classes for management purposes. Recently, some members of the recreational and commercial fishing industry have questioned whether or not this procedure has been consistently followed in the field. Some individuals have reported seeing LPS interviewers measuring CFLs of landed BFT. Therefore, they have raised a concern that the interviewers may actually have been recording CFLs rather than SFLs. The CFL of a given fish is greater than its SFL by some small factor (typically between 1-5%). If such errors have occurred, then LPS estimates of landed weight of BFT by size category would most likely be positively biased since length data are converted to weights for landings estimates. This evaluation was conducted to: 1) determine the extent to which CFLs were mistakenly recorded, and the extent to which such errors may have biased the overall BFT landed weight estimate, and 2) investigate the effects that biased measurements could potentially have had on prior stock assessments.

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