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The AACSB International Accredited Management Major provides high quality undergraduate degree, preparing students for their future role as stewards of public resources and global business and government leaders.

The Management major at the Coast Guard Academy is built primarily on the intellectual foundations of the behavioral sciences, economics, mathematics, information technology and accounting/ finance. Students are educated in the broad array of functional skills and analytical processes required of contemporary leaders and managers. The major prepares its graduates to be management professionals; specifically adept stewards and managers of the US Coast Guard's human, financial, and information resources. The structure and content of the program ensure that our graduates possess the appropriate analytical foundation for graduate studies in management. 

The department offers a wide variety of core courses and electives which enable students to take courses in their primary areas of interest or expand their horizons by studying other disciplines. Advanced students may pursue directed study and research opportunities in the business specialties.

After graduation, Management majors find themselves well-suited for almost any career path in the Coast Guard. Management majors are to be found commanding cutters or shore stations, heading policy offices, managing government finances, leading regulatory projects, deploying technology solutions, flying aircraft, and much more.

Many Management majors go on to pursue graduate education in a wide variety of disciplines, including, but not limited to Financial Management, Accounting, Information Systems, Leadership, and Behavioral Studies.  Management graduates have an excellent record of success at graduate schools, attending such prestigious institutions as Harvard Business School, Tuck School of Business (Dartmouth), Darden School of Business (UVA), and many others.  With tuition fully funded by the Coast Guard, many officers can enjoy the unusual privilege of dedicating themselves fully to their advanced studies and, for the time of their graduate study, embrace learning as their only duty. 

Department of Management Learning Goals: 

Leadership: Graduates of the Management major shall be leaders of character who understand and demonstrate sound leadership principles and competencies. Graduates shall function effectively as leaders, followers, and facilitators. Graduates shall be able to conduct critical self-reflection and assessment. Graduates shall be able to direct, develop, and evaluate diverse individuals and groups. 

Communications: Graduates of the Management major shall be good listeners. Graduates shall be able to write clearly, concisely, and effectively. Graduates shall be able to deliver effective practiced, professional oral presentations and be able to speak confidently extemporaneously. 

Business Competencies: Graduates of the Management major shall understand and demonstrate the following business competencies: (a) accounting, (b) economics, (c) management, (d) quantitative analysis, (e) finance, (f) marketing, (g) international issues, (h) legal and social environment issues, and (i) management of information systems. 

Critical Thinking: Graduates of the Management major shall be able to effectively integrate their knowledge and skills of/in leadership, communications, technology, and business competencies into a rational decision-making and problem-solving framework.