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Peer Tutor Program
The Peer Tutor program provides talented Cadets with the opportunity to aid other cadets in challenging subjects, including Calculus, Chemistry, English, Macroeconomics, and many other subjects. The Peer Tutors work directly with the faculty, gaining hands-on educational training and interaction with professors. Cadets are recognized for their service by having the course listed on their transcripts, and receiving a grade. For 24 hours of service time, peer tutors can receive a letter grade worth one credit. They may take the course up to six times.

A short training session (eight hours) is offered each semester the week prior to classes starting, and lunch meetings occur four times during the semester. In the lunch meetings, the peer tutors meet with one another to discuss successful strategies for tutoring. Special guests are also invited to talk about the challenges and rewards of successful tutoring. 

To be eligible for the Peer Tutor program, Cadets are nominated by faculty in each of the subject areas each semester. Interested Cadets should contact PROF Joshua Gray for more information. 

Faculty Advisors: PROF Joshua Gray and Associate Dean Evelyn A. Ellis