Secretary of Defense, Leon E. Panetta

A message from Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta:

This memorandum reaffirms previous guidance to DoD Components to place a high priority on filling civilian requirements in Afghanistan. Please encourage qualified individuals to volunteer for these important positions. When they do, I strongly encourage you to release accepted Total Force candidates from your organizations and support them and their families fully during their deployments.

We are approaching a critical time in our efforts in Afghanistan and civilians will continue to play a key role in supporting the strategy. Afghan forces have begun to take the lead for security in selected areas this year, and are continuing to build capability and capacity in order to assume lead security responsibility across the country by 2014. Individuals with the right skill sets are needed to complement military efforts, supporting not only military operations but helping to develop an effective government infrastructure so that the Afghans can govern themselves effectively.

I personally thank each and every civilian who has deployed to Afghanistan and seek to encourage others to follow their lead. To continue what these individuals have started, I encourage DoD leadership to promote opportunities for deployment to their Total Force staff.

19 September, 2011
Secretary of Defense Memorandium: DoD Support to Civilian Capacity Requirements in Afghanistan (download PDF)

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