Native American and Alaska Native Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution Program

The U.S. Institute's Native American and Alaska Native Environmental Program helps increase the appropriate and effective use of collaborative problem-solving and conflict resolution in environmental matters involving Native American and Alaska Native communities and federal agencies.

The program focuses on environmental, natural resource, public land and trust land issues where one or more tribes, in addition to a federal agency or interest, are directly involved. Service areas include:

  • Environmental planning;
  • Government-to-government consultation;
  • Policy development and implementation;
  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) actions; and
  • Consultations related to traditional cultural property and sacred sites.

For example, the U.S. Institute has provided consensus-building and mediation services to help:

Resolve a long-standing conflict that stalled a federal-tribal co-management plan for the National Bison Range in Montana. Read more...

Bring together federal, state, tribal and local representatives to work collaboratively to draft a management plan for Coeur d'Alene Lake in Idaho. Read more...

Develop a memorandum of understanding to guide federal-state-tribal consultations on transportation projects in Tennessee. Read more...

Convene the 70 member Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee as it develops a shared vision and comprehensive plan for recovery of threatened and endangered species in the Missouri River. Read more...

The U.S. Institute also manages the Native Dispute Resolution Network, the only national network of dispute resolvers with expertise in culturally appropriate collaborative dispute resolution and collaboration across Tribal, Federal, and State governments. Read more...

To build capacity, the U.S. Institute's training program delivers government-to-government consultation workshops, collaborative competency trainings, as well as intercultural workshops providing Native and non-Native practitioners the opportunity to share skills and practices for dealing with environmental issues involving Native communities and federal agencies. Read more...

The Udall Foundation submitted to OMB a tribal plan outlining the Foundation's mission and programs that support meaningful engagement of tribal nations. To further its mission, the Foundation provides impartial collaboration, mediation, and facilitation services to tribal governments, federal agencies, and others trying to resolve issues concerning the environment, natural resources, cultural resources, and public lands. The Foundation offers training specifically designed to improve communication between agencies and Indian tribes. In addition, the Foundation provides educational opportunities for American Indians and Alaska Natives relating to government and policy. The tribal plan was created in furtherance of President Barack Obama's November 5, 2009 Memorandum on Tribal Consultation. The Udall Foundation's most recent status report to OMB regarding our engagement efforts is available here.

The U.S. Institute's Native program compliments Udall Foundation initiatives that organize Congressional internships for Native American and Alaska Native students (read more...), and delivers executive education tailored to the needs of tribal councilors and chairs through the Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy. Read more...

Additionally, in partnership with several federal agencies and the Udall Foundation, the U.S. Institute will host the 7th national Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution Conference (ECR2012) May 22-24, 2012. A key conference track will focus on Federal-Tribal consultation polices and ECR. Read more...

Staff Contact Information:
Sarah Palmer, Senior Program Manager (
Milton Bluehouse, Jr., Program Manager (
Libby Washburn, Director of Communications and External Relations (
Mark Schaefer, Deputy Executive Director (

Click on the link below to print or download a booklet of case briefings.
Program Overview and Case Briefings Booklet


Sometimes questions are more important than answers.
Nancy Willard,
American poet

Did you know...?

The U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution can provide services on any case that involves a U.S. federal government agency. If you are facing a conflict that doesn’t involve a federal government interest, we can still help you find qualified practitioners. Just contact us. You can also search our National Roster.