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Institutions that Match the Education Award

Marymount Manhattan College
221 E. 71st Street
New York, NY  10021

Marymount Manhattan College would like to recognize those who have served the community through the AmeriCorps program in the following ways:

  • The College will waive the $60 application fee for AmeriCorps alumni who apply as full-time, degree seeking students.
  • For an AmeriCorps alumnus admitted as a full-time, degree seeking student for the fall or spring semester MMC will provide matching funds of an amount up to $2000 per year, maximum 4 years, of AmeriCorps educational award funds requested by the admitted.
  • For an AmeriCorps alumnus admitted as a full-time, degree seeking student for the fall or spring semester MMC will provide a merit scholarship of $6000 per year for any entering freshman with a 3.0 or greater GPA and a 1150 SAT (25 ACT). Transfer students with a 3.5 GPA will receive $4000 per year.

Interested students should contact the contact person listed above for more information and to apply.

Additional information

Marymount Manhattan College is an urban, independent, liberal arts college. The mission of the college is to educate a socially and economically diverse population by fostering intellectual achievement and personal growth and by providing opportunities for career development. Inherent in this mission is the intent to develop an awareness of social, political, cultural and ethical issues, in the belief that this awareness will lead to concern for, participation in, and improvement of society. To accomplish this mission, the College offers a strong program in the arts and sciences for students of all ages, as well as substantial pre-professional preparation. Central to these efforts is the particular attention given to the individual student. Marymount Manhattan College seeks to be a resource and learning center for the metropolitan community.

Contact Information
Contact: Jim Rogers, Dean of Admissions
Phone: 212-517-0435
Fax: 212-517-0448
Institution Type: Private
Programs: 2 Year  |  4 Year  |  Graduate
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