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My AmeriCorps

The My AmeriCorps website provides a one-stop-shop for AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA and NCCC members and alumni - presenting a wealth of information and self-service capabilities, including access to the former AmeriCorps Online Payment System.

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Recruit or Support Members


AmeriCorps alumni and supporters help AmeriCorps continue to grow and thrive in communities around the nation. You can support these efforts—and keep in touch with AmeriCorps prospects, members, and alumni.

Recruit Members

Institutions of higher education know that involving alumni in recruiting and interviewing is both effective and efficient. The same is true for AmeriCorps. By talking about your experience, you spread the word about AmeriCorps. Because you've served, you can answer questions and help AmeriCorps prospects make smart decisions about the programs and service that might be right for them. 

House Members in Your Area

Can you provide a current member or a project in your area with low-cost or free housing? It's a great way to support AmeriCorps, make program dollars go farther, and stay in touch with the AmeriCorps community.

Mentor Members

AmeriCorps members serving today can tap into the knowledge of alumni. Your experience can guide these members through the obstacles and rewards of implementing national service programs. Help them expand what you started.

Increase Local Awareness

Share your experience with your community and local media by speaking about your AmeriCorps service. 

Other Ways to Stay Involved

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