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Human Capital
Human Capital Working Group Documents

The Human Capital Working Group (HCWG) addresses acquisition workforce human capital issues. The HCWG is a unifying force for the entire Federal acquisition workforce by defining what functions are covered by the field of acquisition and by planning for the recruitment, retention, training, and accession of professionals into the various acquisition functions. These activities will ensure that the acquisition workforce is provided a high quality, standardized, and consistent program to prepare them to meet the career changes and challenges ahead.

The HCWG also oversees the Federal Acquisiton Institute's (FAI) efforts to support the acquisition workforce. The HCWG acts as a board of directors for the FAI providing oversight and management of the use of the Services Acquisition Reform Act training fund, and partnerships with the Defense Acquisition University for training, curriculum development, and competency assessment.

  Ms. Joanie F. Newhart, CPCM
  Associate Administrator for Acquisition Workforce Programs
 Office of Management & Budget
 1800 G Street, NW
10th Floor
 Washington, DC 20503
  Office Phone: 202-395-4821
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