Volunteering in Tennessee


The bullets below are all based on an average using 2008 to 2010 data

  • 1.3 million volunteers
  • 25.9% of residents volunteer - ranking them 32nd among the 50 states and Washington, DC
  • 148 million hours of service
  • 30.4 hours per resident - ranking them 40th among the 50 states and Washington, DC
  • $3.2 billion of service contributed
  • To see more information about the community factors that may influence Tennessee's volunteer rate, click here

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Volunteer Rates Lower in Cities with High Foreclosures
In general, higher foreclosure rates are expected to have an impact on volunteering rates; that is, it would not be unexpected if higher foreclosure rates in a city corresponded with lower volunteer rates. In 2010, we see the evidence. Cities with high foreclosure rates tend to have a corresponding lower volunteering rate (Foreclosure data used for this analysis was provided by RealtyTrac).
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National Service in Tennessee

See more information about National Service in Tennessee.

National Service

National service refers to the Corporation's National Service programs: Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, Learn and Serve America, and other programs and initiatives. Participants in these programs address community needs such as education, the environment, public safety and disaster relief.

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