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National Service In Your State - Tennessee
2011 - 2012

Meeting community needs in Tennessee.  More than 9,500 people of all ages and backgrounds are helping to meet local needs, strengthen communities, and increase civic engagement through national service in Tennessee. Serving with more than 710 national and local nonprofits, schools, faith-based organizations and other groups, these citizens tutor and mentor children, support veterans and military families, provide health services, restore the environment, respond to disasters, increase economic opportunity, and recruit and manage volunteers. This year, the Corporation for National and Community Service will commit more than $13,900,000 to support Tennessee communities through national service initiatives including:

Download: National Service in Tennessee - Full Report (PDF)
  Tennessee Overview (PDF)
  Tennessee At a Glance (PDF)
  Tennessee State Impact Report (PDF)
  Tennessee AmeriCorps NCCC State Profile (PDF)
View: National Service Contacts in Tennessee

More than 6,300 seniors in Tennessee contribute their time and talents in one of three Senior Corps programs. Foster Grandparents serve one-on-one as tutors and mentors to more than 12,000 young people who have special needs. Senior Companions help more than 530 homebound seniors and other adults maintain independence in their own homes. RSVP volunteers conduct safety patrols for local police departments, protect the environment, tutor and mentor youth, respond to natural disasters, and provide other services through more than 650 groups across Tennessee.

Download: Senior Corps in Tennessee (PDF)

This year AmeriCorps will provide more than 740 individuals the opportunity to provide intensive, results-driven service to meet education, environmental, health, economic and other pressing needs in communities across Tennessee. Most AmeriCorps grant funding goes to the Governor-appointed Volunteer Tennessee, which in turn awards grants to nonprofit groups to respond to local needs. Most of the remainder of the grant funding is distributed by the Corporation directly to multi-state and national organizations through a competitive grants process. Other individuals serve through AmeriCorps VISTA, whose members help bring individuals and communities out of poverty by serving full-time to fight illiteracy, improve health services, create businesses and increase housing opportunities, and AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps), a 10-month, full time residential program for men and women between the ages of 18 and 24. In exchange for their service, AmeriCorps members earn an education award that can be used to pay for college or to pay back qualified student loans. Since 1994, more than 9,000 Tennessee residents have served more than 17 million hours and have qualified for Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards totaling more than $25,100,000.

Download: AmeriCorps in Tennessee (PDF)

Learn and Serve America provides grants to schools, colleges, and nonprofit groups to support efforts to engage more than 2,400 Tennessee students in community service linked to academic achievement and the development of civic skills. This type of learning, called service-learning, strengthens communities, improves academic engagement, and prepares young people for a lifetime of responsible citizenship. Learn and Serve America also provides curricula and other resources to teachers, faculty members, schools, and community groups.

Download: Learn and Serve America in Tennessee (PDF)


The Corporation for National and Community Service is a federal agency that improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. The Corporation annually engages more than five million Americans in service to meet local needs through Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America, and leads President Obama's national call to service initiative, United We Serve. To learn more visit or or call 202-606-5000 or TTY 202-565-3722.

Information on the 2011 - 2012 program year current as of February 07, 2012

Download Full Report: National Service in Tennessee (PDF)

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