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Data Products ›› Fuel

LANDFIRE fuel data describe the composition and characteristics of surface and canopy fuel. LANDFIRE fuel products:

  • provide consistent fuel data to support fire planning, analysis, and budgeting to evaluate fire management alternatives
  • supplement strategic and tactical planning for fire operations

Products » Fuel Data Product Alerts
Surface FuelCanopy Fuel
13 Anderson Fire Behavior Fuel Models- original 13 fire behavior fuel models, represents severe fire conditions
40 Scott and Burgan Fire Behavior Fuel Models – fire behavior fuel model predictions beyond the severe fire season, such as prescribed fire and fire use applications
Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System - Canadian system for rating the risk of forest fires, distributed for Alaska only
Fuel Characteristic Classification System Fuelbeds- provide land managers, regulators, and scientists with a nationally consistent and durable procedure for characterizing and classifying fuels
Fuel Loading Models- surface fuel classification system to characterize wildland surface fuel
Forest Canopy Cover - proportion of the forest floor covered by the vertical projection of the tree crowns
Forest Canopy Height - average height of the top of the vegetated canopy
Forest Canopy Bulk Density - density of available canopy fuel in a stand
Forest Canopy Base Height - average height from the ground to a forest stand’s canopy bottom
Landscape (.LCP) file - multi-band raster format used by wildland fire behavior and fire effect simulation models such as FARSITE and FlamMap
LANDFIRE Reference Database (LFRDB) – consists of vegetation and fuel data from geo-referenced sampling units nationwide


These data can be implemented within models to predict wildland fire behavior and effects, and are useful for strategic fuel treatment prioritization and tactical assessment of fire behavior and effects.

Follow the links below to learn more about how these data are used for these and other uses: PDF


LANDFIRE 2008 data in the Cowychee Mountain Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Yakima, Washington — Making Risk Assessments User-Friendly


Upper Fraser Valley CWPP and LANDFIRE data: Northern Colorado
Use of LANDFIRE Data in Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Multi-Year Fuels Program Planning for Bureau of Indian Affairs, Spokane Agency, & Spokane Tribe


Project Summary: Supporting Fire and Land Management Across the Nation
On Fire Incidents in 2007
Yellowstone Central Plateau Fire Behavior Assessment using LANDFIRE data products
Data Comparison and Sensitivity Analysis in Yellowstone National Park


Use of LANDFIRE Data in Wildland Fire Risk Assessment: Ashley Lakes Fire
Use of LANDFIRE data in fuels program prioritization and planning: Signal Peak Assessment


Use of LANDFIRE Data in Wildland Fire Incident Management: Dammeron & Valley Road Fires

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