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Data Products ›› Vegetation

Vegetation is mapped using predictive landscape models based on extensive field-referenced data, satellite imagery and biophysical gradient layers using classification and regression trees. LANDFIRE uses vegetation products to create fuel and fire regimes data.

Most vegetation products use NatureServe's Ecological Systems classification, meeting the requirement that map units be identifiable, scalable, and model-able. The NatureServe Explorer provides descriptions for each ecological system including species, distribution and classification information.

Products » Vegetation Data Product Alerts
Existing VegetationPotential Vegetation
Existing Vegetation Type - complexes of plant communities
Existing Vegetation Cover - vertically projected percent cover of the live canopy layer for a specific area
Existing Vegetation Height - average height of the dominant vegetation
Existing Vegetation Type, Cover, and Height agree by lifeform for every pixel. Use existing vegetation layers together for a more complete representation of the vegetated landscape.
Biophysical Settings - vegetation that may have been dominant on the landscape pre Euro-American settlement
Vegetation Dynamics Models - state-and-transition models representing pre-settlement reference conditions for each biophysical setting
Environmental Site Potential - vegetation that could be supported at a given site based on the biophysical environment
LANDFIRE Reference Database (LFRDB) – consists of vegetation and fuel data from geo-referenced sampling units nationwide


Vegetation products are used:
bulletIn change detection analysis bulletFor natural resource management
bulletto identify the nation’s major ecosystems bulletto inventory wildlife habitat

Follow the links below to learn more about how these data are used for these and other uses: PDF


Use of LANDFIRE Data in Bee Pollination Study


Use of LANDFIRE in Sage-Grouse Habitat Analysis: Western North America - 2007 - 2009


Use of LANDFIRE Data in Bighorn Sheep Viability Analysis: Payette National Forest Area
Project Summary: Supporting Fire and Land Management Across the Nation
Vegetation Dynamics Models & VCC to Support Ecological Assessments


Modeling Grizzly Bear Density using LANDFIRE Data: NW Montana, November 2006

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