Keeping EERE and the Community in the Loop

clock September 30, 2011 16:37 by author Bulletin Board
Successful projects rely on clear, proactive communication to ensure that everyone involved understands how the project is progressing. This ensures that stakeholders understand risks and benefits and have the information they need to make decisions. For one university engaged in a Recovery Act-funded wind power project, this includes active communication within the project team as well as communication with the public through education and outreach. [More]

Shedding Light on Project Management at an Advanced Lighting Manufacturer

clock September 25, 2011 10:32 by author Bulletin Board
The Recovery Act seeks to invest in the US economy and build jobs for US workers. Progressing from investment to return requires projects that employ good project management methods and good communication among stakeholders. For one Recipient of a financial assistance award from the Office of EERE, a manufacturer of advanced lighting technology, good project management means linkages between the project’s scope, schedule, and budget. [More]

An Ounce of Prevention: How One EERE Recipient Guards Against Overruns

clock September 18, 2011 10:59 by author Bulletin Board
Poorly coordinated design and construction can result in engineering projects that quickly get off schedule and run up unexpected costs. In some cases, these delays and added costs result from rework, as phases designed later in the project require changes to earlier phases that have already begun construction. For one Office of EERE financial assistance Recipient, a private electric company working to add generating capacity to a hydroelectric dam, extra upfront planning is expected to prevent later overruns. [More]

Mid-Atlantic Recipient Ensures Fair Wages for Workers

clock September 10, 2011 15:50 by author Bulletin Board
Effective communication and documentation helps EERE grant recipients comply with Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) requirements, as exhibited in the practices of one hard-working Recipient. Like many others, this Recipient excels not only in technical areas, but also in the administration of their EERE award, including ensuring that DBA requirements are being met.

DBA requires that each contract over $2,000 to which the United States or the District of Columbia is a party for the construction of public buildings contain a clause requiring contractors to pay the prevailing wages as determined by the Secretary of Labor to laborers and mechanics employed upon site of work. Laborers and Mechanics are defined as the various types of skilled workers employed under the contract. [More]

Real-Time Recordkeeping Increases Transparency and Speeds Compliance

clock September 2, 2011 13:51 by author Bulletin Board
For one Northwestern city, efforts to encourage transparency and compliance with Federal requirements have improved recordkeeping to provide EERE Project Officers direct access to an internal information system that contains key compliance information. This system is expected to yield easily accessible records for future audits and ensure efficient and accurate notification of compliance with Federal labor regulations.

By engaging workers and providing real-time recordkeeping, the Recipient is ensuring that the project continues to provide the local community with good jobs at fair wages, while working to restore habitat and power American homes and businesses. [More]