DOE Works with Other Agencies to Ensure that Resources Are Used Wisely

clock August 28, 2011 17:23 by author Bulletin Board
When a project is considered for an EERE award, one might assume that DOE is the only Federal agency that will review it, but this is not always the case. In order to assure that taxpayer dollars are being spent on safe, effective projects that meet all Federal regulations, EERE frequently collaborates with other Federal departments during the approval process. A great example of this can be found in one Western U.S. state where a private company was awarded an EERE grant through its state energy office for an innovative hydropower project. [More]

Sizing Renewable Energy Projects to meet Categorical Exclusions Leads to Quicker Energy Savings

clock August 19, 2011 20:09 by author Bulletin Board
Recovery Act funding through EERE enabled a New England state energy office to greatly expand its renewable energy incentive program. The program provides residential and commercial consumers with partial installation costs for small-scale wind, solar, and hydropower systems as well as rebates once the systems are up and running.

Close coordination between the DOE EERE Project Officers and DOE EERE National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Specialists allowed Project Officers to aid recipients in defining proposed renewable energy projects that would not have a potential for significant environmental impact and would qualify for a categorical exclusion determination under DOE’s NEPA regulations. [More]

EERE’s Recovery Act Projects Prepare America’s Next Generation of Skilled Workers

clock August 15, 2011 16:33 by author Bulletin Board
Among the key goals of EERE’s Recovery Act programs is the creation of American jobs through energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. This goal brings to mind images of physicists or biochemists working in labs to develop new technologies, or architects and mechanical engineers designing high-performance or green buildings. While Recovery Act projects do require the work of scientists and engineers, they also employ people working in the skilled trades, such as electricians and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) mechanics. Workers in the skilled trades perform vital work in building, installing, renovating, and repairing energy efficient building systems and renewable energy equipment. [More]