In Focus

Gamma Gamma Run 3d07.05.12Article

Smashing Scientific Success

Office of Science Labs contribute to discovery of new particle that could unlock a massy mystery. Read More »

Scientist on a laptop surrounded by word bubbles (Science Accelerator,, and various colored web icons (such as rss feed and refresh).07.02.12Article

Sixty-Five Years of Listening, Learning and Strengthening

The Office of Scientific and Technical Information brings DOE research to the world. Read More »

A Nephila clavipes female spider in the center of her web. The radial strands and scaffolding of her web is composed of major and minor ampullate spider silk fibers. Commonly referred to as dragline silk, this substance was imaged at the nanoscale at Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source. Image by Jeff Yarger.06.29.12Article

Astonishing Materials and an Amazing Arachnid

Real-life discoveries at the National Labs outshine the reel life of Peter Parker. Read More »

Rain clouds with visible area of downpour in the distance over a green field with shrubs in eastern New Mexico.06.27.12Article

Dust Deserves More than the Brush-Off

Desert dust intensifies summer rainfall in U.S. Southwest. Read More »

This model of the highly effective form of the bioremediation enzyme ChrR shows the intermolecular interactions and unique multi-atom hydrogen bonds (dotted lines) that may be the key to understanding the enzyme's efficacy in reducing the toxicity of some dangerous pollutants.06.22.12Article

A Potent Pollutant and a Pedestrian Protein

Brookhaven Lab illuminates potential solution for malevolent metal made famous by Erin Brockovich. Read More »

This rendering shows a lysozyme structural model against its X-ray diffraction pattern from SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), a powerful X-ray laser facility. 06.19.12Article

Bright Lights and a Few Good Eggs

Researchers at SLAC National Accelerator develop new technique to crack the structures of biomolecules. Read More »

Amit Goyal at the DOE podium delivering a presentation for the Science Lecture Series. 06.08.12Science Lecture Series

From 'Muddy' Substances To Amazing MaterialsExternal link

Dr. Amit Goyal, a researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, delivers the inaugural Science Lecture on the development of high-temperature superconductors. Read More »

Lawrence award winners posed with Energy Secretary Chu, holding their award certificates following the ceremony. From L to R: Riccardo Betti, University of Rochester, Paul C. Canfield, Ames Laboratory, David E. Chavez, LANL, Amit Goyal, ORNL, Secretary Chu, Energy Department, Mark B. Chadwick, LANL, Bernard Matthew Poelker, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Lois Curfman McInnes, Argonne, Barry F. Smith, Argonne, Thomas P. Guilderson, LLNL 06.06.12Honors & Awards

Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award

The Office of Science salutes the winners of the E.O. Lawrence Awards. Watch video of the ceremony and view photos. Read More »

Fermi Award Winners Q&A: Mildred S. Dresselhaus and Burton Richter06.06.12Article

Fermi Award Winners: Q&A

Mildred S. Dresselhaus and Burton Richter answer questions that will be of interest to future (and current) science lovers. Read More »

Gloved hands of a scientist pouring a glass of clear liquid into a beaker. 05.31.12Lab Breakthroughs Series

No Longer a Place for Petroleum in Propylene Glycol

Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have discovered a way to make propylene glycol – a common compound in countless household products – from renewable sources instead of petroleum. Read More »

Last modified: 1/4/2013 12:20:40 PM