In Focus

Scientist Susannah Green Tringe of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 09.19.11From the Labs

One of a Top Ten Under 40

Popular Science spotlights Office of Science researcher as one of 2011's "Brilliant 10" young researchers.
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Aligning polymers: An imprint master is pressed into a P3HT thin film heated to 150 degrees Celsius. When the stamp is removed, the film remains imprinted with 100-nanometer-spaced grooves, as seen in the scanning electron micrograph. 09.12.11From the Labs

Plastics Imprinting on PlantsExternal link

Brookhaven researchers improve performance of solar cells.
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Vitrification technology -- immobilizing material in glass09.12.11Article

A Roman Shipwreck and Safe Nuclear Storage

Accidental experiment and lab efforts may lead to essential new insights.
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Aerial view of the Advanced Photon Source 09.08.11Article

A Cellular Cell

Scientists show structure of critical communications protein using bright light at Argonne Laboratory.
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A heavy layer of air pollution, a mix of aerosol particles and vapors, obscures the view over Mexico City. 09.07.11DOE Blog

Our Dusty Atmosphere

Office of Science research shows that small particles may make a big difference.
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Black and white image of the galaxy 09.02.11DOE Blog

How to See the Supernova Berkeley Lab Just Discovered

Skywatchers -- grab your binoculars and telescopes, and head for some clear dark skies.
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Scientist Katherine Ament 08.22.11DOE Pulse

Ament Part of the Next Generation of Rare-Earth ResearchersExternal link

DOE Pulse profiles Ames Lab researcher, Katherine Ament.
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Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory08.22.11Article

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Innovation in action: science and the city.
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Dave Mosher and Kendra Snyder video still 08.18.11DOE Blog

Two Nerds . . . One Love . . . and A Great Golden Ring

Couple brought together by physics...and chemistry.
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A water droplet, a water molecule and an arrow 08.11.11From the Labs

Catalyst that Makes Hydrogen Gas Breaks Speed RecordExternal link

Material designed for energy applications is 10 times faster than natural enzyme, uses inexpensive metals.
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Last modified: 1/4/2013 12:20:40 PM