
Decline in antibiotics prescriptions for kids accompanies rise in ADHD prescriptions

While adult prescriptions rose 22% between 2002 to 2010, prescriptions written for infants, children and teens fell 7%, according to the Food and Drug Administration. The use of ADHD drugs, among... Read more »

Published 3 hours ago

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Seasonal spinach is strong to the finish as an addition to any meal

Raw, steamed, sauteed or parboiled, spinach is a strong addition to your table and never needs to be green slime again. Read more »

Published yesterday


At Cirque du Soleil, 2 acrobats juggle parenthood

It's hard enough for the parents of a toddler to balance work and home. So imagine how hard it is if the work itself is all about balancing. Read more »

Published yesterday


Balancing act: Teaching children to work is important job for fathers

All of the fathers and grandfathers in my life have taught me to work. Now it's my job to pas those lessons along to my own little ones. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


On Leadership: Help children with their summer bucket lists

When I see one of my children wearing a tired smile, I smile. Good things are happening. The same is true for all of us. Read more »

Published June 17, 2012

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Easing of marijuana laws poses challenge for parents

Michael Jolton was a young father with a 5-year-old son when Colorado legalized medical marijuana in 2000. Now he's got three boys, the oldest near adulthood, and finds himself repeatedly... Read more »

Published June 17, 2012


Tooele couple has created masterpiece garden

Here is the recipe for a beautiful garden: Take one 1800s historic home in Tooele and rebuild it from the inside out. Read more »

Published June 17, 2012


Baby born in 2010 costs 3.5 percent less than baby born in 2011

A middle-income family is expected to spend $234,900 to raise their baby born in 2011. Read more »

Published June 15, 2012


The Man of the Houseā€¦Is In The Kitchen

America's family structure is shifting. The division of household labor is undergoing a transformation. Fathers are more often primary cooks than in the past. Read more »

Published June 15, 2012


Report: New bundle of joy will cost you $234,900

Our take: The amount of money children will cost parents up to age 18 is higher than ever — $234,900 for a child born in 2011. And that is if they move out. No word on if children ever pay it... Read more »

Published June 14, 2012

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Take a family field trip to Red Butte Garden

Are you looking for somewhere to take the kids during the summer break? Beauty and discovery await at Red Butte Garden. Read more »

Published June 14, 2012


Burden of divorce on fathers intensifies in Europe

Divorced or separated European fathers, especially in Italy, are struggling during the economic downturn to effectively provide for themselves and their families. Read more »

Published June 14, 2012


Intentional self-injury starting at younger ages, with serious potential impact

Children as young as 7 may intentionally hurt themselves by cutting, burning or hitting themselves, according to a new study of non-suicidal self-injury. It's a dangerous practice, say researchers,... Read more »

Published June 12, 2012


A mess-free morning: Make-ahead breakfasts families can enjoy

One look at the mess in the kitchen and that special-day meal the children made for you can lose its appeal. Read more »

Published June 12, 2012


Are you blue over green detergent?

Since dishwasher detergents have "gone green," a lot of households have the dishwasher blues. In 2010, auto detergent makers were required to remove phosphates from their products because of their... Read more »

Published June 12, 2012


Blog Bites: Four recipes for your next potluck

The days are longer and the kids are out of school. Picnics and potlucks are plentiful this time of year. These four mouthwatering recipes, provided by talented food bloggers, will give you ideas... Read more »

Published June 12, 2012


Utah community festivals in full swing (+video)

Whether they’re kickin’ up their heals or flying high in hot air balloons, residents of Utah’s cities and towns are in the festival kind of mood. Utah’s newest festival brings to life the outlaws of the old... Read more »

Published June 12, 2012

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Sherry Young: It can be tough getting rid of so much 'stuff'

Back in the day when I was choosing gifts for my wedding, who knew the traditional desire to own sterling silverware and fine china would become so passé? Seriously. I think the only reason... Read more »

Published June 11, 2012

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What do dads want for Father's Day? Not a tie

Father's Day is approaching, but shopping for Dad might not be very easy. Read more »

Published June 11, 2012


A Woman's View: Where bullies learn it from

We hear someone say something cruel, about women or gays or anyone, and we shrug. Why? Because we'd rather not get into it. And we wonder why our kids don't stand up to bullies. They're just... Read more »

Published June 11, 2012

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Mottos are like family heirlooms, part of family heritage

I grew up hearing the same colloquial phrases during my childhood. Now that I'm a parent, I'm learning how some of those phrases began — and how much they can mean. Read more »

Published June 10, 2012


Tour features some hidden — and not so hidden — gardens

Although their Springville garden is anything but hidden, Greg and Laura Dye have opened their eclectic landscape to this year's Hidden Garden Tour, which takes place June 15 and 16 throughout... Read more »

Published June 10, 2012


Studies challenge widely held assumptions about same-sex parenting

The oft-cited assertion that there are "no differences" in outcomes between children of same-sex parent households and those of intact biological families may not be accurate, according to a new... Read more »

Published June 9, 2012


Everyday heroes found everywhere you look

I was meandering around the Internet the other day (kids, don't try this at home!) and happened to Google the word "hero." I saw information about a 2002 martial arts movie titled "Hero," a Wikipedia entry on the concept of "hero,"... Read more »

Published June 8, 2012


Doing a kitchen remodel in phases takes planning

Last week, we began a discussion of how to tackle a major kitchen overhaul in several stages to try to defray some of the cost of such a major undertaking. Read more »

Published June 8, 2012


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