Family Finance

Avoid costly cell phone fees and save hundreds of dollars

Switching to a new cell phone carrier can cost as much as $35 per line just to activate the new wireless plan.

Waiting until late summer could save big on laptops

Procrastination could actually payoff when buying a laptop this summer, according to SmartMoney. Read more »

Published 5 hours ago


Federal Reserve extends 'Twist' program to drive rates lower

The Federal Reserve is extending a program designed to drive down long-term U.S. interest rates to spur borrowing and spending. Read more »

Published 5 hours ago

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Europe gropes for crisis fix, bond buys pushed

Europe's leaders are grasping for ideas to halt their government debt crisis ahead of a series of top-level meetings over the next 10 days. The latest: Using their emergency government bailout... Read more »

Published 8 hours ago


Gov. Scott says families can't afford tuition hike

Gov. Rick Scott says he wants Florida universities to be the nation's best in preparing graduates to get jobs in fields that are hiring, but he isn't backing down on his demand that they find a way to fund their programs without... Read more »

Published yesterday


Discover says credit card use rose in 2Q

Despite concerns about the economy, Discover's customers are using their cards more often and paying their bills on time at record rates. Read more »

Published yesterday


Stocks move higher on hopes of Fed action

Stocks rose sharply on Wall Street Tuesday as traders hoped that the Federal Reserve will come up with a plan to jumpstart the economy. Read more »

Published yesterday


Oil price rises on hopes Fed will boost US economy

The price of oil is rising on hopes that the Federal Reserve will announce new measures to stimulate the U.S. economy. Read more »

Published yesterday


US builders start more single-family homes

U.S. builders started work on more single-family homes in May and requested the most permits to build homes and apartments in three and a half years. The increase suggests the housing market is... Read more »

Published yesterday


US employers post fewest job openings in 5 months

Employers in April posted the fewest job openings in five months, suggesting hiring will remain sluggish in the months ahead. Read more »

Published yesterday


Jump in housing starts sends stocks higher

U.S. stocks opened higher on better news on the housing front and on hopes that the Federal Reserve may come up with more plans to jumpstart the economy. Read more »

Published yesterday


Debt trap: Breaking free from the cycle of payday loans

Benjamin John Coleman wants to ban payday loans from Rhode Island because he knows what it feels like to be desperate enough to take one out. Read more »

Published yesterday


Identity thieves target children 35 times more than adults

Scammers targeted children 35 times more than adults and 15 percent of the victims are under the age of five, according to AllClear ID. Stealing a child's identity is much more desirable than an... Read more »

Published June 18, 2012

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Almost 60 percent of Americans say personal finances key in presidential election

The majority of Americans say their personal financial situation is a key factor in who they will vote for in the presidential election, according to a survey released today by Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


Getting a good mortgage rate may depend on Facebook friends

Getting a good mortgage may become a social media popularity contest. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


Home sales up as housing market shows life

The price of homes is inching up across the state and some counties have seen significant increases in month over month sales. Read more »

Published June 17, 2012


Mexican president expects big IMF firewall boost

G20 summit host President Felipe Calderon of Mexico said Saturday that he expects the world's largest economies to deliver more than the $430 billion pledged to stop the spread of the European... Read more »

Published June 16, 2012


Baby born in 2010 costs 3.5 percent less than baby born in 2011

A middle-income family is expected to spend $234,900 to raise their baby born in 2011. Read more »

Published June 15, 2012


How you can gain from refinancing your mortgage

Refinancing a mortgage isn't just about making a lower monthly payment, according to Read more »

Published June 15, 2012


Government report says that raising a child costs $235,000

For $235,000, you could indulge in a shiny new Ferrari — or raise a child for 17 years. Read more »

Published June 14, 2012


Report: New bundle of joy will cost you $234,900

Our take: The amount of money children will cost parents up to age 18 is higher than ever — $234,900 for a child born in 2011. And that is if they move out. No word on if children ever pay it... Read more »

Published June 14, 2012

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Rising beef prices take a bite out of family budgets

With the rising costs of beef, family budgets are taking a hit, according to the Omaha World-Herald. Read more »

Published June 14, 2012


A debt collector gives advice on how to deal with debt collectors

Debt collectors are inevitable when falling behind on payments, but the worst thing a debtor could do is not answer the phone. Read more »

Published June 14, 2012

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Utah has nation's 10th highest foreclosure rate

Utah's foreclosure rate is the 10th highest in the nation. Data released Thursday by RealtyTrac Inc. shows that one in 592 Utah housing units saw a foreclosure filing in May. Read more »

Published June 14, 2012


U.S. cities offer to pay off student debts

Cities like Niagara Falls, N.Y. and Kansas City are offering to pay down student loans if the debtor agrees to move into and work in those cities, according to The Inquisitr. Read more »

Published June 13, 2012


Price of 4-year university up 15 percent due to higher education budget cuts

The average tuition at a four-year public university climbed 15 percent between 2008 and 2010, fueled by state budget cuts for higher education and increases of 40 percent and more at universities... Read more »

Published June 12, 2012

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