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United States Department of Defense Office of Inspector General
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The Principal Deputy Inspector General is
Lynne M. Halbrooks

Semiannual Report to the Congress
DoD IG Update
Recovery Act
Guam Realignment
Contractor Disclosure Program
Fraud Indicators in Procurement and Other Defense Activities
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Department of Defense
Office of the Inspector General
400 Army Navy Drive
Arlington, VA 22202-4704

What's New
Semiannual Report to the Congress is Issued

Semiannual Report to CongressJune 13, 2011 - The Semiannual Report to the Congress for the reporting period of October 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011 has been issued. The report summarizes the significant achievements of DoD IG, as well as the audit and investigative agencies of the military departments.

During the reporting period, DoD IG issued 85 reports to include audits, assessments, and evaluations and identified potential monetary benefits of $193 million. DCIS, working closely with other law enforcement agencies, conducted investigations resulting in $1.4 billion in fines, restitutions, and recoveries. This report highlights oversight efforts related to Overseas Contingency Operations, health care, and efficiencies in the Department. The report also summarizes significant accomplishments of DoD IG audits, investigations, and evaluations.

The Semiannual Report insert includes project summaries, statistical highlights, and challenge areas for the Department. To view the Semiannual Report to the Congress, click here. To view the insert, click here.

Deputy Inspector General for AuditingTestifies before the Commission on Wartime Contracting

Photo of Deputy  Inspector General for Auditing Daniel Blair testifying before the  Commission on Wartime ContractingApril 25, 2011 - Deputy Inspector General for Auditing Daniel Blair testified today before the Commission on Wartime Contracting on “Implementing Improvements to Defense Wartime Contracting.”  

Mr. Blair highlighted significant work accomplished by DoD IG components since May 2010.  In addition, Mr. Blair discussed challenges going forward in Afghanistan and the DoD IG oversight strategy.

Mr. Blair appeared on the same panel with Mr. Stuart Bowen, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction and Mr. Herbert Richardson, Acting Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction.  

To see a copy of Mr. Blair’s prepared statement, click here.

FY 2011 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia and Surrounding Areas Issued

Photo of FY 2011 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia and Surrounding Areas IssuedApril 5, 2011 - The Department of Defense Inspector General and the Southwest Asia Joint Planning Group have issued the FY 2011 Update to the Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia and Surrounding Areas (Report No. SDIG-SWA-11-01). To view the FY 2011 Update click here.

The Comprehensive Oversight Plan incorporates the planned and ongoing oversight by the members of the Southwest Asia Planning Group which include: the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development; the Special Inspectors General for Iraq Reconstruction and Afghanistan Reconstruction; the Army Audit Agency; the Naval Audit Service; and the Air Force Audit Agency.

To read more of the FY 2011 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia and Surrounding Areas Issued article, click here.

Ombuds Annual Report Issued

Photo of Ombuds Annual Report IssuedMarch 24, 2011 - The DoD IG Office of the Ombuds Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2010 has been issued.  The report summarizes issues presented to the Ombudsman in the form of metrics and narrative examples. 

During the reporting period, the Ombuds met with 325 employees:  66 (20%) individual employees and 259 (80%) that participated in five organizational climate assessments.  Although the number of visitors increased by 100 (45%) from FY 2009, there was a 9% reduction in the number of issues presented (from 1,055 in FY 2009 to 963 in FY 2010). 

To view the Ombuds Annual Report, click here.

DCIS Senior Leadership Makes Trip to Southwest Asia

Photo of Mr. Burch and Mr. Burnett met with senior military officers and counterparts from other federal agencies.February 8, 2011 – Mr. James Burch, DoD Deputy Inspector General for Investigations, and Mr. G. Tracy Burnett, Assistant Inspector General for Investigations, International Operations, recently traveled to Southwest Asia (SWA) and Germany to assess Defense Criminal Investigative Service operations in those areas.

Mr. Burch and Mr. Burnett met with senior military officers and counterparts from other federal agencies, as well as with DCIS special agents assigned to SWA and Germany to gain better insight into how DCIS can better assist DoD in accomplishing its mission in SWA.  Mr. Burch and Mr. Burnett, also met with Mr. Joseph T. “Mickey” McDermott, DoD Special Deputy Inspector General for Southwest Asia at the DoD IG Field Office at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait.   (more)

New Edition of the Journal of Public Inquiry Issued

JPI Front CoverFebruary 7, 2011 - The latest issue of the Journal of Public Inquiry is now available online.  The Journal is published semiannually by the Department of Defense Inspector General on behalf of the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. To view the Journal, click here.

The Journal contains articles of interest to the Inspector General community. This issue covers a variety of topics including familial DNA testing, mortgage loan fraud, and whistleblowing within the Intelligence community. The Journal also includes congressional testimony regarding new tools in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and oversight of U.S. civilian assistance for Afghanistan.

The Journal is a publication of the Inspectors General of the United States. We solicit articles from professionals and scholars on topics important to the oversight community.  The next deadline to submit an article for the next issue is February 15, 2011. Please email submissions to: JournalofPublicInquiry@dodig.mil.

Recent Releases
07/14/11 Former U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Employees and Others Indicted in Multimillion-Dollar Bribery, Kickback Scheme Involving Iraq Construction Contacts (.pdf 295KB)
07/12/11 Former Dickenson County Commissioner of Revenue Sentenced on Defrauding Department of Veterans Affairs and Lying About Military Service (.pdf 33.4KB)
07/12/11 New Jersey-Based Defense Contractor Pleads Guilty to Violating Arms Export Control Act, Conspiracy With Chinese Company (.pdf 104KB)
06/29/11 Phony Army Commander Pleads Guilty, Sentenced (.pdf 104KB)
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