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A lesson is learned when we change our behavior. 


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Wallow Fire – Fuel Treatment Effectiveness on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation 


The story of how fuel treatments can increase firefighter safety—and more.




[2,860 kb pdf]


[Posted 1/6/12]

Chainsaw Incident – Safety Concerns FLA 


Have you cut on a side bind lately?



[1,084 kb pdf]


[Posted 1/5/12]

Learning Highlights from the 4th International
High Reliability Organizing Conference


Check out these key learning highlights—targeted to the wildland fire community.



[1,316 kb pdf]


[Posted 12/27/11]

Davies Creek Ridge Helicopter Mission FLA  

“The helicopter cool down time is not a safe time—it’s two minutes of danger.”





 [Posted 12/20/11]

National Park Service – Fire Leaders Videos   [Posted 1/9/11]

Using Your Beliefs, Values, and Emotions What's your emotional intelligence IQ? Senior Fire Manager Bill Kaage discusses ways that you can deepen your conversational and emotional intelligence. [7 minutes.] 

Three Challenges Norman Christensen, founding Dean of the Nicholson School of the Environment and Earth Sciences at Duke University, discusses the challenges that surround "Goal Setting," "Fire and People," and "Uncertainty." [6 minutes.]

Acadian Firefighter Burn Injuries FLA 

You race to work a spot fire—are you alone? Are you wearing all your PPE?



 [Posted 12/19/11]

Redwood Engine 30 Vehicle Fire LLR 

Are you performing daily maintenance checks on your vehicles?


Are your hubs in the correct position?



[400 kb pdf]


[Posted 12/13/11]

Alice Lake Canoe Incident FLA 

Have you been briefed on all aspects of your potential safety and survival?



[777 kb pdf]


[Posted 12/12/11]

Station Fire Lessons Learned Report 

What key lessons did we learn from the 2009 Station Fire?


Lesson areas—divided into national, regional, and local application—include: night flying of aircraft, fire behavior modeling, and working with urban interface communities.



[65 kb pdf]


[Posted 12/9/11]

Two More Chains Fall Issue 


“Your Fire Shelter: Would You Hesitate Deploying It?”


Check out this story and much more in the latest issue of Two More Chains.



[1,614 kb pdf]


[Posted 11/9/11]

Video: “We Will Never Forget You – Remembering Andy Palmer” 

Before you engage, ask yourself:


·         What will we do if someone gets hurt?


·         How will we get them out of here?


·         How long will it take to get them to the hospital?



[Run Time: 16 min., 38 sec.]


[Posted 11/4/11]

Work Capacity Test
Compartment Syndrome/Rhabdo Incident FLA


Do you prioritize your physical fitness?



[936 kb pdf]


[Posted 11/21/11]

Fall 2011 E-NewsletterFall 2011     Share

This news update features: Firefighter: Remember This – Remembering Andy Palmer | Two More Chains | Quick Response (QR) Codes | The LLC’s new YouTube channel | the Rapid Lessons Sharing button | Looking Back – Moving Forward: Brett Fay | Firefighter: Remember This – Hazard Trees.


[Posted 11/21/11]

Serious Accident Investigation Factual Report – CR 337 Fire Fatality 

The temperature was 105 degrees Fahrenheit when Bonneville Interagency Hotshot Crew member Caleb Hamm, 23, collapsed and subsequently died from hyperthermia—uncontrolled heating of the body’s core temperature.



[848 kb pdf]


[Posted 10/19/11]

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Disclaimer: Information is provided with the intent to share knowledge to improve safety, performance, efficiency and organizational learning throughout the entire wildland fire community. However, no warranties or guarantees are implied because much of the data provided is beyond the control of the Center. No endorsement of any company or product is given or implied.