LLC Administrative Login Search:     
Browse the LLC Library    

Our Center Library contains thousands of reports and other documents sent in by wildland fire professionals from around the world. To locate the documents you are interested in, choose from the 38 main topics (or 15 different types of media) below. Many of the main topics contain more detailed subtopics to further refine your search: click on the "plus" symbol to view subtopic results.
 We are beginning to put large documents into much smaller files using Flash Paper. Flash Paper preserves hyperlinks and provides complete in-document text searching using the Flash Player to open .swf files. Most computers now have the Flash Player installed at the factory. Need the Flash Player? Free two minute download at 56 KB/s.

Browse by topic
category (number of items in that category)

Browse by media type
category (number of items in that category)

6 Minutes for Safety (148)
AAR (86)
Air Quality (11)
All Risk (215)
APA (12)
Applied Ecology (78)
Aviation (506)
Behavior, Fire (187)
Case Studies (66)
Chainsaws (10)
Communications (190)
Danger Rating, Fire (3)
Dispatch (22)
Driving (22)
Ecology, Fire (67)
Education, Fire (65)
Effects, Fire (72)
Engines (18)
Entrapment (9)
Equipment (25)
Fatality (17)
Fire Use (104)
Fitness (6)
FLA (75)
FMT Magazine (13)
Fuels (242)
Funding & Grants (16)
GIS (15)
Glossaries (3)
GPS & Nav Systems (19)
Handcrew (2)
Health & Fitness (108)
History (110)
Human Behavior (407)
Human Resources (81)
ICS (165)
Incident Mgnt (572)
Insurance (6)
Investigations (507)
KDL (28)
Leadership (338)
Lessons Learned Analysis (40)
Lessons Learned Review (9)
Management, Fire (417)
Medical (10)
Medicine, Emergency (36)
Meteorology, Fire (47)
MFV (6)
Models / Software (69)
Newsletter (1)
Organizational Studies (231)
Peer Review (15)
PIO (61)
Policy (134)
Preparedness (324)
Prescribed Fire (211)
Prevention, Fire (16)
Public (123)
Rapid Lesson (4)
Remote Sensing (7)
Research (63)
Resource Mgnt (219)
Risk Mgnt (621)
Safety (1776)
Science, Fire (78)
Serious Accident Support Guide (42)
Structure Firefighting (25)
Suppression, Fire (486)
Technology Transfer (42)
Training (399)
Trees (7)
Two More Chains (3)
Wilderness (9)
Wildland Fire News (106)
WUI (235)
AAR or Rollup (79)
Annotated Bibliography (3)
APA (8)
Article (137)
Case Study (68)
Checklist (79)
Confernc./Workshop (62)
Form/Template (213)
Guide/Handbook (87)
Hot Tip (94)
ICT Report (124)
Incident Review (656)
Incident Toolbox (229)
Job Aid (393)
Job Hazard Analysis (6)
Learning Curve (15)
Map (13)
Newsletter (61)
Peer Review (5)
Portal Story (9)
Poster (2)
Presentation (85)
Press Release (32)
Report (1011)
Scratchline (30)
Success Story (37)
Survey (5)
Thesis (1)
Training Announcement (2)
Video Products (102)
Web Site Links (7)



Disclaimer: Information is provided with the intent to share knowledge to improve safety, performance, efficiency and organizational learning throughout the entire wildland fire community. However, no warranties or guarantees are implied because much of the data provided is beyond the control of the Center. No endorsement of any company or product is given or implied.