Mom Houston

News, tips and fun stuff for savvy Houston parents.

Houston’s City Hall is turning teal this week

Editor’s note: Today’s guest post comes from Lu Quast, a lawyer, educator and cancer activist, in honor of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Early detection of ovarian cancer can be extremely difficult. If you’re a woman, or there’s a woman you love in your life, you’ll want to know about this. Read on: Check out the  Read More

Categories: General

The best awkward family photos

Last week MSNBC reported on the latest trend among upper-crest Americans: Hiring a professional photographer to capture family vacations. Asking a random person walking by to snap a photo of your family with your point-and-shoot is no longer good enough. No, that shot of your family standing on a Maui beach at sunset needs to be  Read More

Categories: General, Ridiculousness

Security expert blames the Colorado parents

An emergency preparedness expert writing for Security Debrief, a blog on homeland and national security, suggests the parents of children shot in the Colorado movie theater massacre are responsible for taking their kids to a movie theater that late in the evening. Initial reports state children as young as four months old were among the  Read More

Categories: General

Vintage ads push women to gain weight

This post comes from MomHouston’s colleagues at Mommy Files. I’m re-posting here because who doesn’t long for a return to the time when being called skinny was an insult? We’re in the midst of swimsuit season and women are on a mission to get skinny. Everywhere they look they’re faced with advertisements for products and  Read More

Categories: General

Five things to do with your kids this rainy weekend

The weather is not expected to get too much better this weekend so you’re going to be stuck indoors with kids who have already been stuck inside for days. Perhaps you’ll dream of happier times when at least school was in session and you could look forward to Monday being an escape. Or, you could  Read More

Categories: General

Taking parenting too seriously can be bad for mothers’ mental health

There has been some debate over whether parenting makes people’s lives fulfilling and filled with joy or whether parenting makes people miserable and unhappy. Depending on how much sleep your child has let you have the night before your answer may vary. New research has shown, however, that some mothers may be unhappy because they  Read More

Categories: General, Health

Ovarian grafts may mean women could delay motherhood to their late 40s

A technique developed to preserve the ovaries of women being treated for cancer or those who are experiencing premature menopause could be used to help women delay motherhood until their late 40s, according to a surgeon in Missouri. As the Daily Mail reports, a woman in 2007 gave birth at age 38 after receiving an  Read More

Categories: General

Itsy-bitsy baby ‘bikini’ for infants without curves

Action News 5 – Memphis, Tennessee This is the T-shirt parents of very young girls need if they want strangers to visualize half-naked women while staring at their daughters. It’s a onesie with the image of a bikini-clad curvy woman’s body on the front. It’s supposed to be a hilarious joke? Everyone knows infants don’t  Read More

Categories: General