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Social Enterprise for Nonprofits: Trainer Bio

Rolfe Larson:
Rolfe LarsonFormerly an executive at Minnesota Public Radio and currently an affiliate professor at Regis University in Denver, Rolfe earned his MBA in marketing and finance from the Yale School of Management. He is the author of Venture Forth!, which is widely recognized as the best layman's manual on the subject of nonprofit enterprise and was endorsed by Paul Newman of Newman's Own. Until recently, Rolfe served on the board of the Social Enterprise Alliance.

Michael Whitehead-Bust:
Michael Whitehead-BustMichael has been working in the field of social enterprise for more than 10 years and has been involved with the founding of a variety of nonprofit, for-profit and governmental organizations. An expert in social enterprise, Michael regularly speaks and trains around the country on topics relating to earned income. He is the founder of Foxhall Consulting services, and an affiliate professor at Regis University.

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