Governor Brewer's Office of Economic Recovery

State Agencies

Agency Contact Info

Patsy Kraeger
AmeriCorps*State, Program Administrator
Division for Community & Youth Development
phone: 602-542-3482

Leah Meyers, M.S.W.
STOP Program Administrator
Division for Women
phone: 602-542-1764

Governor's Office for Children, Youth and Families (GOCYF)

AmeriCorps*State Recovery Grant
STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant

AmeriCorps*State Recovery Grant

AmeriCorps*Recovery Grants will use stimulus funding to build community strength and resiliency. AmeriCorps members will assist those most impacted by the economic recession in the community through, job and career training and placement; recruiting volunteers to build community infrastructure and assist nonprofits with increasing needs and declining resource; assisting with community health care centers; as well as providing literacy, tutoring and education throughout the entire state. Healthy and literate citizens preserve and create jobs and promote economic recovery.

Impact of Stimulus on Constituency

AmeriCorps*State Recovery Grants totaling $665,552.00 support a broad range of community development projects that build strong and healthy communities. The Commission on Service and Volunteerism (Commission) has awarded funding to programs involved in job creation and placement; literacy, education and tutoring as well as providing access to health care in rural communities and housing. Programs and projects were funded throughout the state, several located in rural areas or low income areas of the state. Each of these grants will provide job creation and/or retention and stimulate the economy by building stronger communities by strengthening organizational infrastructure.

Application, Evaluation and Decision Making Process for Award of Stimulus Funds

In 2009, the Corporation for National & Community Service (CNCS) accepted Recovery funds and developed a plan to distribute AmeriCorps*State funds for both state and national programs. The Commission on Service and Volunteerism has awarded grants to: Coconino Rural Environment Corps; Northern Arizona University; Pima Community College; the Town of Guadalupe; the University of Arizona; and the Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona for these AmeriCorps programs to build community strength. All programs are currently engaging in meaningful community work in order to rebuild infrastructure in the state allowing for economic recovery.

Funds – Breakdown by Program

AmeriCorps*State Recovery Grants will support a broad range of community projects including job creation and placement; literacy, education and tutoring as well, providing access to health care in rural communities and housing. Programs and projects were scattered throughout the state, many located in rural areas or low income areas of the state Total Award: $665,552.00

Associated Federal Agencies and Links to Federal Agency Recovery Web Sites

Corporation for National & Community Service

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STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act STOP (Services • Training • Officers • Prosecutors) funding is offered through the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women. Recovery STOP funds are utilized to address domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and/or stalking through a coordinated multidisciplinary partnership.

Impact of Stimulus on Constituency

Awards are made to courts, service providers, prosecution and law enforcement, with a focus on rural and/or underserved populations. Funds support personnel, training, policy development, specialized victim services, and equipment costs to enhance services and safety for victims while also aid in the apprehension, prosecution and adjudication of persons committing violence against women. The Recovery STOP funds also prioritize economic development, job retention and/or job creation.

Application, Evaluation and Decision Making Process for Award of Stimulus Funds

As a requirement of the Recovery STOP funds, the Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families, Division for Women solicited input from other State Agencies and the community to create an implementation plan detailing how to utilize these funds. After several informal planning meetings Division for Women staff hosted a specialized Recovery STOP Advisory Team Meeting that occurred on May 7, 2009. The meeting included 18 participants and contributors from State Agencies, the criminal justice system, and nonprofit nongovernmental victim services programs (including sexual assault and domestic violence programs, and community organizations). The Advisory Team identified the priority areas related to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence grant projects.

A competitive Request for Grant Applications was released by the Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families on May 26, 2009. To ensure equitable distribution of funds, experts in the fields of law enforcement, victim services, courts and prosecution evaluated the proposals submitted to the Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families. As part of the evaluation process, applicants earned priority points if they were serving a rural county or underserved population.

Funds- Breakdown

Fifteen awards totaling $1,707,530.00 have been made to fund 14 projects impacting 11 of the15 Arizona counties. Awards were granted in the following areas:

  • 1 award courts;
  • 3 awards law enforcement;
  • 1 award prosecution;
  • 10 awards victim service providers

Associated Federal Agency and Links to Federal Agency Web Sites

USDOJ: Office on Violence Against Women
USDOJ: OVW: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
USDOJ: OVW: STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program