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NCPR Online Underwriting

Perhaps you've noticed the underwriter acknowledgments at the top of virtually all of our pages as you've surfed through our online content. The businesses you see are taking advantage of a great opportunity to connect with our online NCPR family.

NCPR offers a maximum of 20 web underwriting opportunities at an annual cost of $1,000 each. Underwriting acknowledgements randomly rotate throughout our web pages, offering a minimum of 5,000 page views per month for each web underwriter. The transfer of our viewer to your website is seamless. Once viewers click on your underwriter "button," they immediately enter your website. It's as simple as that!

Seasonal web underwriters:

For businesses and organizations that are seasonal in nature, web underwriting may be purchased for $100 per month. Based on availability, multiple web underwriting spots may be purchased to receive an increased percentage of the underwriting rotation. For example, 3 web underwriting spots purchased for one month would afford the business or organization a minimum of 15,000 page views per month
versus 5,000 for one spot.

For more information on how you can become one of our NCPR web underwriters, email Sandy Demarest or call 1-877-388-6277.

Underwriting with NCPR:
A Mutually Beneficial Partnership

Guidelines | Rates | Sample Packages | Program Grid (.pdf)

NCPR Broadcast Underwriting

North Country Public Radio has been broadcasting in the public interest since 1968. Thousands of listeners rely on NCPR to deliver their daily dose of regional and national news; political, environmental and educational on-air discussions and call-in programs; as well as a diverse offering of music and other entertainment programming. North Country Public Radio continues to derive the great majority of its annual revenue from private sector support. Astute business people throughout our broadcast region recognize North Country Public Radio as an uncommon, cost-effective, and lucrative underwriting investment. 

Underwriting presents an opportunity for business people to actively and publicly lend their financial support of North Country Public Radio before an audience of well-traveled, well-educated individuals, many of whom hold managerial positions and enhanced personal spending power. This is a market of individuals who think, care, and spend. No other media source reaches homes and businesses throughout our broadcast region — virtually the entire northern tier of New York State, western Vermont, and Southern Ontario and Quebec. In some Adirondack communities, North Country Public Radio is the only radio signal received.

Second, underwriters are afforded an enhanced public image — loyal NCPR listeners are like family to the station, and they greatly value and recognize the investment made by local and regional businesses in support of their public radio station.

Should you wish to discuss underwriting, please contact Sandy Demarest.

Broadcast Underwriting Guidelines

Clear guidelines make for a good message. A combination of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and North Country Public Radio (NCPR) guidelines for underwriting ensure that the message brought forth is clear, concise, sophisticated and pleasing to the ears of our listeners.

FCC underwriting guidelines dictate that all public radio stations must refrain from using underwriting language which contains:

  1. Calls to Action (words such as "call", "stop by", or phrases prompting action)
  2. References to price (i.e., actual price, "free", "on sale", etc.)
  3. Superlatives (i.e., "best", "greatest", "most reliable", etc.) or other qualitative descriptors
  4. Inducements to buy, rent, sell, or lease

The "intent" of underwriting is to publicly acknowledge our underwriters and provide a brief description of location, services, notable business anniversary or relocation information, slogans used as a standard, traditional portion of the business's marketing mix and which do not violate FCC and NCPR regulations, as well as telephone numbers and web site information. Underwriting credits must fit in a 10 second time frame. NOTE:  A maximum of two underwriter credits are scheduled in most available program breaks. Each credit spot is sold separately.

NCPR Underwriting Guidelines:

  1. Web site information may be included. As an added value, we will also provide a direct link from our Current Underwriters list to the web pages of our underwriters.
  2. Other than accepted slogans, words such as "you," "your," "our," and "we" are not permitted. It suggests a personal statement on the part of the station and is therefore not acceptable.
  3. NCPR will comply, without exception, with all FCC underwriting guidelines; non-compliance subjects the station to severe penalties.

Broadcast Underwriting Rates

Compare North Country Public Radio underwriting rates to those of any other medium! NCPR rates are offered at two levels: prime time and standard time.

Prime time rates are $22.00 per credit supporting programs aired during times when listenership tends to be at its highest. Prime time programs include: Morning Edition, Garrison Keillor's Writer's Almanac and A Prairie Home Companion, regional and national news, All Things Considered, and many more.

View our complete schedule of prime and standard programming (PDF document)

Standard time rates are $14.00 per credit supporting mid-day and evening programs enjoyed by our listeners. Standard time programs include:  classical music, On Point, Mountain Stage, The Thistle & Shamrock, and many other popular programs.

Credits are defined as a 10-second underwriter message conforming to the underwriter guidelines listed above.

Each underwriting partnership is unique, with credits structured to suit the needs of that particular business.  Credits may run several times a day, once a day, five days a week, once a week, or concentrated seasonally.  All credits are subject to availability.

Flexible Payment Schedules
Convenient payment schedules can be arranged on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis.

Discounted Annual Packages
Underwriting partnerships which encompass a 12-month run are offered at a discounted rate. The underwriter pays for the first 50 weeks, while receiving the remaining two weeks free of charge.

Sample Underwriting Packages

Name of Plan Cost Number of Credits Credit Type Payment Options
Package A $12,600 364 Prime In Full
    364 Standard $3,150.00/quarter
Package A represents an underwriting profile containing seven prime and seven standard credits per week.

Name of Plan Cost Number of Credits Credit Type Payment Options
Package B $9,000 260 Prime In Full
    260 Standard $2,250.00/quarter
Package B represents an underwriting profile containing five prime and five standard credits per week.

Name of Plan Cost Number of Credits Credit Type Payment Options
Package C $6,900 260 Prime In Full
    104 Standard $1,725.00/quarter
Package C represents an underwriting profile containing five prime and two standard credits per week.

Name of Plan Cost Number of Credits Credit Type Payment Options
Package D $4,700 156 Prime In Full
    104 Standard $1,175.00/quarter
Package D represents an underwriting profile containing three prime and two standard credits per week.

Name of Plan Cost Number of Credits Credit Type Payment Options
Package E $2,200 104 Prime In Full
Package E represents an underwriting profile containing two prime credits per week.

Name of Plan Cost Number of Credits Credit Type Payment Options
Package F $1,100 52 Prime In Full
Package F represents an underwriting profile containing one prime credit per week.

Name of Plan Cost Number of Credits Credit Type Payment Options
Package G $700 52 Standard In Full
Package G represents an underwriting profile containing one standard credit per week.

Seasonal rates are also available.

Should you wish to discuss underwriting, please contact Sandy Demarest.