NCPR is made possible by
Your Donations

Planned Giving

Annual Gifts:

Annual gifts sustain the day to day, week to week expenses of running your station. We are deeply grateful for every gift as they are essential for station operations. We encourage all listeners to make an annual gift and be a part of this amazing North Country success story. Annual gifts range in size from $5 to upwards of $5000 and occasionally $10,000. These gifts are used to support current station operating expenses. More about individual donations.

Planning Your Philanthropy

Major and Planned Gifts:

Many donors have the interest and financial capacity to make a major gift to NCPR. Our generous friends have made major gifts to start off a new outreach or service effort like our on-line service or to provide permanent endowment funding to ensure a stable financial future. These pages are dedicated to providing information to donors who would like to make a major or special projects gift to NCPR.

In general, major gifts are defined as gifts above $5000 dedicated to a special purpose although we gratefully accept all gifts for any project at any level.

Major gifts take two basic forms:

  • A gift of current assets (cash, stock, property) that the station will either expend on a current project or add to our endowment (link to current major gifts projects including always the endowment page)
  • A gift of assets via your will or estate plan, gifts that will come to the station in the future and will be used for future station needs including our highest priority, growing our endowment (link to set of planned giving pages)

NCPR Donor's Bill of Rights

We all share a need to make a difference in the world. We give freely of our time, our expertise and our assets with no expectations in return. Or do we? We don't want items of monetary value in return, but we all deserve respectful appreciation. We all deserve to feel good about what we give. What are some expectations, some basic rights that you have as a donor? The staff at NCPR considers this your bill of rights:

  1. You should expect our staff to be respectful, considerate and polite at every interaction.
  2. You should expect complete honesty from NCPR - as well as consistency and thoroughness among sources of information.
  3. You should expect that complete information about a proposed gift will be given, including risks and benefits to both you and NCPR.
  4. You should expect our staff to exercise discretion and courtesy in the gathering of data that will inform the preparation of the gift request and that such requests will be based on the mutual best interests of you and NCPR.
  5. You should expect our major gift staff to act as your advocate, retaining both your own best interest and the interest of NCPR in our relationship.
  6. You should expect our staff to propose gifts in a timely way, based on a growing relationship of mutual understanding and respect.
  7. You should expect our relationships will continue to be professional even if you decide to delay or reject a gift request.
  8. You should shape your gift expectations within the parameters of the law and of the mission of NCPR.
  9. You should expect to ask questions of or express concerns to our staff and to receive responses in a timely, honest and courteous manner. Our staff does not profess to be experts in estate or gift planning. We will offer the best information at our disposal to help you make informed decisions.
  10. You have the right to experience the joy of giving in your philanthropy.

Martha Foley, News Director

I’ve listened to North Country Public Radio for over 30 years, and worked here for over 20. It’s been an honor to have had a role in making this regional service as broad and strong as it’s become. Together, we have built an abiding connection to this region and each other. We hope you’ll include NCPR in your estate plan—your gift will keep your station strong long past my time as News Director. You can make a real difference for our future.

Todd Moe, The 8 O’Clock Hour co-host and cultural reporter

One of the questions I often ask during interviews is: What does this idea, object or event say about life in the North Country? My job in covering art and culture is to use this medium to engage artists in conversations that listeners find relevant. Listening to The 8 O’Clock Hour connects you with colorful North Country residents, or events in the region. Maybe it’s just a quick morning conversation about snow, food, gardening, music or the season. Joy? Fun? You betcha! And it’s your support that makes it all possible—today and into the coming decades. Thanks.