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You are here: Home / Animals / What You Can Do
What You Can Do

Provides information about volunteer opportunities and other ways that the average citizen can help to control invasive animals, organized alphabetically by type of organization. See News and Events - What You Can Do for general resources and other species.


Federal Government

Do Not Release Pets into the Wild - Exotic Species Trading Cards (PDF | 430 KB)
DOI. USGS. Southeast Ecological Science Center.

National initiative developed by the ANS Task Force and its partner organizations, focuses on the prevention of the spread of non-native species via the aquarium and water garden pathways.

Protect the Nation's Forests - Don't Move Firewood
USDA. FS. Northeastern Area. Forest Health Protection.

State Government

First Detector Training
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
First Detectors are volunteers trained to help citizens diagnose and report possible infestations of invasive species to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. First Detectors are a part of the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) First Detector Program which promotes the early detection of invasive plant pathogens, arthropods, nematodes and weeds.

Protect Our Trees From Bad Bugs - Don't Move Firewood
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

What to do about Gypsy Moths in Your Backyard (PDF | 152 KB)
Wisconsin Department of Agricultre, Trade and Consumer Protection.

What Can I do if I have Gypsy Moth on my Property?
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

What You Can Do About Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)?
Illinois Department of Agriculture. Division of Natural Resources. Bureau of Environmental Programs.


Great Lakes Worm Watch - What Can I Do?
University of Minnesota. Natural Resources Research Institute.

Organizing a Community-Wide Fire Ant Suppression Program
Texas A&M University. Texas Imported Fire ant Research and Management Project.
Provides practical information on how to organize local action

Would You Like to be a Citizen Scientist? (Cuban Treefrog)
University of Florida. IFAS. Department of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation.

What to do when you can no longer care for your pet amphibian or reptile... (PDF | 916 KB)
University of Florida. IFAS. Department of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation.


How Do I Know if an Exotic Animal is Illegally Imported?
Australian Government. Department of the Environment and Water Resources.


Be Cautious When Transporting Firewood - Help Protect Wisconsin's Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer
Wisconsin Council on Invasive Species.

Birds and Cats - The Cats Indoors! Campaign
American Bird Conservancy.

Don't Move Firewood
Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forest Insects and Diseases.

Exotic Pets Returned to the Wild: Exotic Pets can Damage Ecosystems

Firewood Alert: Help Stop the Movement of Exotic Pests -- Don't Move Firewood! (PDF | 588 KB)

Hawaii Habitattitude: Hawaii Agencies and Pet Stores Work to Prevent Pet Dumping (Dec 6, 2006; PDF | 17 KB)
Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species.
Federal and State government agencies and the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council are pleased to announce Hawaii's participation in a national campaign to encourage pet owners to turn in unwanted aquarium fish and plants instead of dumping them in streams or the ocean.

Homeowner's Guide to Stopping the Spread of Coqui Frogs on Maui (May 2003; PDF | 44 KB)
Maui Invasive Species Committee.

Take the pledge - Don't Transport Firewood!
Union of Concerned Scientists.

Think Twice Before Keeping an Exotic Animal (Jul 28, 2005)
Wisconsin Humane Society.

What Can I Do to Help?
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

What to do with Unnwanted Pet Amphibians and Reptiles
Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation.

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Last Modified: Jun 08, 2011
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