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  1. Each course has its own unique account number, which may be used to obtain supplies and services through MBL. At the direction of the Course Director(s), each course will identify specific individuals who will have "spending power" at MBL. If you need to order supplies, please contact your Course Director for further guidance.

  1. Faculty and staff who need to request reimbursement for out-of-pocket course related expenses, should do so on an MBL Disbursement/Reimbursement Request form. These requests should be given to the Course Director(s) or his/her designee for processing. This process should also be followed by any institution that is requesting reimbursement for supplies purchased for a course.

  1. Reimbursement for travel related expenses must be processed on a Travel Reimbursement Request Form following the Education Travel Policies as outlined in the Travel section on this site.

  1. Receipts submitted without the proper form will be returned to the owner and will not be processed for reimbursement.

  1. Contracts will be issued to any individual who receives a stipend, honoraria, and/or lecture fee from the MBL. These contracts state that you are an Independent Contractor and not an employee of the MBL. Also, each individual, regardless of citizenship, is required to have either a U.S. Social Security Number or U.S. Tax Identification Number before a payment can be made.

  1. Any stipend issued to a U.S. citizen or resident alien for $600 or more will be reported at year-end to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and the individual will receive Form 1099 from the MBL. Federal Income Tax will not be withheld from these payments.

  1. Non-U.S. citizens or nonresident aliens should refer to the Foreign Nationals section for further information on payments and taxes.

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