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Students who apply for financial aid to attend MBL courses are automatically considered for ALL sources of financial assistance. To request aid, course applicants must complete the financial aid section of the course application form.

Scholarships & Awards

Financial aid for MBL students comes from named scholarship funds at the MBL, from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, from the Grass Foundation, and from other course sponsors including the U.S. Public Health Service through training and conference grants awarded by the the National Eye Institute, National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, as well as from similar grants from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy.

The following scholarships are fully endowed and generate sufficient income to underwrite the expenses of one or more students in MBL courses.

The Bruce and Betty Alberts Endowed Scholarship in Physiology
This endowed fund provides support for students participating in the Physiology course.

The John and Elisabeth Buck Endowed Scholarship
This endowed scholarship provides support for a graduate or post-doctoral student taking a summer course in fundamental biological science at MBL.

C. Lalor Burdick Scholarship
This endowed scholarship provides support for students attending the Embryology and Frontiers in Reproduction courses.

Max M. Burger Endowed Scholarship in Embryology
This endowed fund provides support for students in the Embryology course.

The Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation Endowed Instructional Fund
To help underwrite salary expenses and stipends, travel costs, and room and board for leading scientists from around the world who come each summer as course directors, faculty, and lecturers in the MBL's world-renowned advanced educational program in the life sciences.

Caswell Grave Scholarship
This endowed fund provides support for students studying in any of the MBL summer courses.

Thomas B. Grave and Elizabeth F. Grave Scholarship
This endowed fund provides support for students studying in any of the MBL summer courses.

William Randolph Hearst Educational Endowment
This fund provides support for students studying in any of the MBL summer courses.

Kurt and Rhoda Isselbacher Endowed Scholarship Fund
To support students participating in the MBL's educational programs.

E.E. Just Endowed Research Fellowship Fund
To support minority scientists pursuing summer research at MBL.

Benjamin Kaminer Endowed Scholarship in Physiology
This endowed fund provides support for students in the Physiology course.

Arthur Klorfein Scholarship and Fellowship Fund
This endowed fund provides support for students in the courses and for research fellows working independently in laboratories.

Frank R. Lillie Fellowship and Scholarship
This endowed fund provides support for students in the courses and for research fellows working independently in laboratories.

S. O. Mast Founders' Scholarship
This endowed fund supports students in any of the MBL summer courses.

MBL Pioneers Fund
This endowed fund supports students in any of the MBL summer courses.

Frank Morrell Endowed Memorial Scholarship
This endowed fund provides support for students attending the Neurobiology course.

Mountain Memorial Scholarship
This endowed fund provides support for students who are accepted in the Physiology course.

Pfizer Inc Endowed Scholarships
Two scholarships provide support for students studying in any of the MBL summer courses.

Herbert W. Rand Fellowship and Scholarship
This endowed fund provides support for students in the courses and for research fellows working independently in laboratories.

Lola Ellis Robertson Scholarship
Established by Dr. and Mrs. Charles Robertson, Jr. in memory of Lola Ellis Robertson. In addition to being an alumna of the Embryology Course, Lola Robertson also researched at the MBL with Dr. Horace Stunkard for many years. This endowed fund provides support for students studying in any of the MBL summer courses.

Florence C. Rose and S. Meryl Rose Endowed Scholarship
This endowed scholarship provides support for students participating in the Embryology course.

Ruth Sager Scholarship
This endowed fund provides support for women students studying in any of the MBL summer courses.

Milton L. Shifman Endowed Scholarship
This endowed fund supports students from Dartmouth College participating in MBL courses.

Horace W. Stunkard Scholarship
This endowed fund provides support for students in any of the MBL summer courses.

J.P. and Madeline Trinkaus Endowed Scholarship in Embryology
This endowed fund provides support for students in the Embryology course.

Selman A. Waksman Endowed Scholarship in Microbial Diversity
This endowed fund provides support for students participating in the Microbial Diversity course.

Anita Zorzoli Memorial Fund
To support students participating in the MBL's physiology course.

The following endowed scholarship funds provide partial support for students studying in the MBL courses.

Biology Club of the College of the City of New York
Gary N. Calkins Memorial Scholarship
Edwin Grant Conklin Memorial Fund
William F. and Irene C. Diller Memorial Fund
Mac V. Edds, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund
Gerald D. and Ruth L. Fischbach Endowed Scholarship Fund
Daniel S. and Edith T. Grosch Scholarship Fund
Aline D. Gross Scholarship Fund
Holger and Friederun Jannasch Scholarship Fund in Microbial Diversity
Jacques Loeb Founders’ Scholarship Fund
Luigi Mastroianni and Sheldon Segal Scholarship Fund
MBL Associates Endowed Scholarship Fund
Alberto Monroy Foundation
NS&B Alumni Scholarship Fund
Howard A. Schneiderman Endowed Scholarship
The Moshe Shilo Memorial Scholarship Fund

Marjorie R. Stetten Scholarship Fund

Surdna Foundation Scholarship
Eva Szent-Györgyi Scholarship Fund
The William Morton Wheeler Family Founders’ Scholarship
The Walter L. Wilson Endowed Scholarship Fund

The following expendable scholarships provide partial support for students studying in MBL courses.

American Society for Cell Biology Summer Awards
American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Bernard Davis Fund
The Company of Biologists Ltd.
The Ellison Medical Foundation
Eugene Floyd DuBois Memorial Fund
FAS Center in Systems Biology at Harvard
International Brain Research Organization
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
NASA Planetary Biology Internships
The William Townsend Porter Scholarship for Minority Students

Society for Developmental Biology
Society of General Physiologists
Wellcome Trust
World Health Organization
Young Scholars Program

Post-Course Research Opportunities for Students
A limited number of post-course research opportunities are available to summer students participating in MBL courses, upon recommendation of course directors.

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